Didn't need to take a test, and knew a bit about radios from my time as a fister in the army. Am I interested in getting into ham? Yes but mainly just hf the idea of bouncing signals and taking to other around the world sounds fun and interesting, but I unfortunately have been blown up to many times, have some brain damage so learning by ready is so difficult, it's like words don't make since and change when I read, but I learn perfectly when I do hands on, docs say it has something to do with neurons making stronger connections that way. So because of that and it being "illegal" to transmit without a license I'm not allowed to enjoy a hobby? Also not trying to sound like a dick or or hateful, my thoughts just get jumbled so I just tend to put them down how I think it. I may have only had my gmrs license for a few weeks but I've been using military radios for 10 years as a fister you have to know a lot about them, how to adjust them program them work out issues for your keys, time and frequency hop, how to send data, was all fun as can be for me.