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Everything posted by WRZX278

  1. No I know not all radio users are the same, what I mean is say like I want to listen in on hame so I get a small little set up and reception sound like crap so I key up and ask for a radio check, you'll get those guys who act like I just committed murder because I don't have a license, that's what I was meaning by those guys will act like then but then break the law by speeding a little, it's a victimless crime, I'm just doing a quick test and then I'm done nothing more nothing less. Now I do live in an area where there are large spots of no cell service, and your TV and internet comes from satellite so radios help lots of people have and use them because of that.
  2. Yeah tbi said I got blown up to many times haha good advice though, those burn pits are no joke, would wake up and look like the base was covered in fog, nope just all the chemicals and crap in the burn pit, went to dump some stuff in the pit once and got shot at come to find out some jack ass threw away some ammo
  3. Sorry if you don't like the f bomb I don't mean anything by that old habits are hard to break, but yeah after getting out I became a certified structural and pipe Welding was super easy to learn because it's like 99% hands on, also not once when reading about the test did I see anything about it being given orally, was trying to find out if it was timed and if I could do it online instead of in person stuff like that, being around strangers in person while also taking a test really messes me up, but yeah I did find out I can do it online never did find out if it's timed or not. Thanks for the offer of help though, when I said I'd do something in spite of someone you're not one of those people your are nice and helpful, not preachy and condescending.
  4. Didn't need to take a test, and knew a bit about radios from my time as a fister in the army. Am I interested in getting into ham? Yes but mainly just hf the idea of bouncing signals and taking to other around the world sounds fun and interesting, but I unfortunately have been blown up to many times, have some brain damage so learning by ready is so difficult, it's like words don't make since and change when I read, but I learn perfectly when I do hands on, docs say it has something to do with neurons making stronger connections that way. So because of that and it being "illegal" to transmit without a license I'm not allowed to enjoy a hobby? Also not trying to sound like a dick or or hateful, my thoughts just get jumbled so I just tend to put them down how I think it. I may have only had my gmrs license for a few weeks but I've been using military radios for 10 years as a fister you have to know a lot about them, how to adjust them program them work out issues for your keys, time and frequency hop, how to send data, was all fun as can be for me.
  5. Haha one way to look at.
  6. I say fuck it the more I'm pushed to conform by ass hats the more I'm like nope I'm good just to spite. Also cracks me up to see people freak out when you transmit on ham without a license, like these people don't speed.
  7. Thanks for the responses guys, appreciate the help and advice
  8. Unfortunately it's the factory cable built into the base of mount, so nothing I can do about that, but I will try placing it in different spot on my suv roof, and if that doesn't help I won't worry about it until I can afford an upgrade, just glad it's not in the range to damage my radio, I live in the hills of Kentucky so I'm just trying to get the most I can out of it. Thanks for y'alls response. Randy love the vids you're the whole reason I found out about gmrs and got into it.
  9. Sorry what do you mean lossy cable?
  10. So I have one of these for my gmrs radio magnet mount in the very center of the roof of my suv, when I check the swr I get I 1.9, should I check different locations on my car or, send it back, keep it and just be happy or is there a better antenna I should look at? Oh BTW the radio is a midland mxt275, the short little 2 inch antenna has an swr of 1.2 when I check it.
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