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Everything posted by WRZZ732

  1. I concur. There is a lot to unpack in that filing, and it will likely go nowhere with the FCC. As a ham, I find this desire to by many of our fellow amateurs to "change" GMRS a bit disturbing. I've run into this "attitude" with several hams local to me. All license classes of amateurs have full privileges from 420MHz - 450MHz (70cm). Most everything outlined in that filing we already have available to us in the 70cm band. And for you non-hams out there, guess what? The 70cm band goes largely unused! The only thing that filing does is further annoy the FCC when it comes to amateur radio operators. My eyes were rolling reading it, and if I were the FCC it would be targeted for the circular file. Allowing digital voice modes (DMR, etc..) is a very bad idea. This would be very confusing and annoying to existing GMRS users. To another point, most hams can't figure out how to program their DMR radios. As for the random joe-ham or the VM (Volunteer Monitors) performing band police duties? Seriously?!?
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