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Everything posted by WSAA635

  1. KG-Q10G looks good but I'm trying to stay under $200 if I can. The UV9D Plus and doesn't look too bad and the KG-935G Plus would work but without Airband. Also adding the KG-UV8H to the list. It can be unlocked and used with GMRS too. I just may have to give up on Airband for now. I really appreciate all the replies. My Crypto doesn't unbond for another 10 or so days so I won't have any funds until then. I'm sure I'll figure it out by then. Thanks again.
  2. I'd rather have something that I can use with GMRS and also listen to Airband and other freq. . I have the V2 set up with GMRS TX/RX and added all the local DPS channels on RX Only so I can listen to them as well. Versatility is the name of the game. The Wouxun KG-UV9D Mate could be added to the list since I can unlock it and program it for GMRS and then lock out the TX for channels I just want to listen to. I found a vid from Randy(NotaRubicon Productions) on YouTube that will explain the difference between the KG-935G Plus and Pro. I know the radio I want may be unrealistic but hey, a guy has to try, LOL.
  3. Now that I've gotten the BTech GMRS V2 I'd like to get a second radio. I'm looking at the BTech GMRS Pro as one option but I'd also really like Airband and 800MHz(RX Only, of course)and the Pro doesn't have those Freq. I'm also thinking the Wouxun KG-935G or KG-935G Plus which doesn't have Airband(not sure what the difference is) or the WOUXUN KG-UV9D Plus so I'd have Airband radio as well. I'd also like to pick up another GMRS V2 so I'd have a pair of them but then have one really nice radios listed above as a "special" radio. So, what are your thoughts on this as folks who's "been there and doing that"? Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the replies.
  5. So when programing a GMSR repeater using CHIRP with my BTech GMRS V2 do I need to put a "+" and the 5MHz offset in or will the firmware figure that out for me? Thanks.
  6. I've been running a Linux Distro of one kind or another for well over 12 years, I'd rather now have a computer if I had to use Windoze. That being said, I've been running MX-Linux for about 3 years now(if it ain't broke, don't fix it, LOL) and it's Debian based with the KDE Desktop. I was about to get the CHIRP Flatpak installed without much issue and it works perfectly. If you have an old PC or Laptop sitting round download and flash a USB stick with MX-Linux and do the install then have fun with a light, fast op-system that'll bring life back to your old hardware.
  7. Just getting into GMRS and found the forum so I joined. Just wanted some Comms for Family Outings/Hunting/ETC. and GMRS looked like a good way to go because there was no Test needed to get my License. Still not made any contacts and just did give programing some Repeaters a try using CHIRP with my BTech GMRS V2. Anyway, I see ya' in for forums and hear ya' on the air. WSAA635 Signing Out.
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