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Everything posted by Sorceress21

  1. I am a 100% nOOb to GMRS but not to radios or tech. No...scratch that, I'm a 200% nOOb at GMRS. Please be kind. Preamble: I've spent days trying to find answers for this question and have found that there must be some secret squirrel password to learn this platform because every tutorial out there both written and YT all miss critical details and steps. They all assume the basics are already understood which infuriates me ( but that's another conversation because that's not just radios stuff, that's all tuts on the web). I mean c'mon guys, if you're gonna due a tut for absolute beginners then do it on the assumption the viewer is totally unaware of nomenclature and even how to turn the damn thing on. Repeater setup baffles me and I'm very technically savy. Not in what they do but how to setup this F-ing hunk of Chinese plastic to use one. Other than that it's a cool radio. No problem talking unit to unit with a friend down the street. Easy peezy Japaneezee. Tune both radios to the same channel and walahh! You can gossip yourself to death about the the HOA and the neighbors right out of the box just like an FRS walkie! Buuuuuuuuuuttttt Repeaters? No one seems to want to ever include every single setting that needs to be just pretty princess correct to connect to one of these neato lil things. I want to attempt to connect to this repeater, sooooooooo How? Set what to where and when? I know this one may be offline or out of range, but setting things up for one correctly helps me try others.: Downlink: 462.650 Uplink: 467.650 Uplink Tone: 141.3 Downlink Tone: 141.3 Travel Tone: YES ORI: YES County: Alexander Owner: WRJM341 Use: OPEN Op Status: On-Air Coverage: 25 mi radius. Assuming I've never turned this radio on before and have never ever even used a two way, but am teach savy, please for the love of all that's holy walk me through this? I do not know what sidebands, Tones or OFFSETS or thingamagigs or whatsagoobers are are so don't give me five simple steps that end with "If you're in range and as long as your offset is set right and your spatial warp cryptonsporidum-PU39 analyzer matrix field is tuned to the correct anti-matter vibration range with the sub-quantum transducer range set to 1GFYS it'll work"! ARRRRRRGGGGHHHH... Hahaha lol. See where I'm going? I need Repeaters for Dummies, MORON edition, not Geordi LaForge explaining warp physics. If you're gonna help me, please don't leave anything out, even steps you assume anyone that knows how to push a PTT would already know! All the GRMS guides use different nomenclature than all the tuts, that baffles me even more, why? The above example of a Repeater listing uses "Uplink & Downlink" as a term vs. xmit and receive. They all do, but all the tuts just use xmit and receive to explain what to set. So is uplink the same as transmit, downlink the same as xmit which woudl be logical? Ya'll see why I'm confused, the nomenclature never matches the terms used in the YT vids I've watched? Please help and Thank you!
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