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mcallahan last won the day on August 22 2021

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  1. I'm also in Arizona and the GMRS repeaters on those peaks are great offroad! I was once able to hit the White Tanks repeater from the Mogollon Rim, sitting on Rim Rd at about 34.425 -111.331. It's about 90 miles line-of-site from my 5W Kenwood HT to the White Tanks, and about 3000' higher. I've also heard people on GMRS from Mt. Lemmon on the White Tanks repeaters too. Kinda "cheating" going from peak to peak like that, but the repeater coverage you have while out off-roading in AZ is really reliable and such a good thing to have. There are many places where cell coverage is not available in AZ but 2m/70cm/GMRS repeaters is.
  2. The revamp of the MyGMRS forums looks amazing on desktop and functions very well on mobile. However, these "Open this topic on..." nag screens that pop up every time on mobile browsers are very annoying: There doesn't appear to be a way to permanently disable this as every time I navigate to the forums page I see it. "Chrome" is always shown as the option for all Chromium-based browsers, and this yields a confusing UX. Who even uses Tapatalk anymore in this day and age of mobile-first web development? So many forums I subscribe to have dropped support for this app long ago, RadioReference included. Anyway, my 2¢...
  3. Ha - I purchased a GMRS license for $90, valid for 5 years, just before they extended it to 10 years!
  4. Yeah the table translating the tones and various manufacturer naming conventions is very helpful. I had a similar page bookmarked once but it has since gone offline. This is a great replacement.
  5. Either way, a GMRS beginner is probably seeking a GMRS license because they want to know about repeaters and how they work. It certainly does matter if a radio is repeater capable.
  6. "Most GMRS radios are designed for simplex operation and can't transmit on these frequencies. Which mostly doesn't matter because there are very few GMRS repeaters out there." idk if I'd agree that there are very few GMRS repeaters out there when this site lists over 1700 repeaters. Even if only half of those listings are accurate and active repeaters, that's still not an insignificant number of GMRS repeaters.
  7. lol yup - so many Jeep guys want the 3 foot Firestick antenna mounted way down low on the bumper or spare tire mount, then they wonder why they get next to no range on CB..
  8. mcallahan

    Login error?

    As a fellow developer I know prod issues can be a giant PITA! Thanks for the quick response and resolution.
  9. mcallahan

    Login error?

    Yep, thank you - all good now!
  10. For the uninitiated: https://forums.radioreference.com/threads/new-gmrs-band-plan.405599/
  11. I often use 69.3 Hz specifically because many bubble pack and cheapo radios do not implement this tone.
  12. >What's missing from myGMRS.com? A dark theme!
  13. This is most likely a repeater site ID'ing - while repeaters on GMRS are not required to identify themselves at regular intervals like other radio services, many do this as a courtesy to let other users know that there is an active repeater on that channel/frequency. The "travel tone" refers to 141.3 Hz, which is commonly used by GMRS operators on repeaters and/or simplex. Here are some relevant links that explain in further detail: Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System Digital Code Squelch (DCS) CTCSS and DCS Tones -- What's the difference?
  14. What about a Maxon TM-8000? 40W UHF, 512 channels, 70cm band coverage, and something I would enjoy in a GMRS mobile - a knob that can be assigned to squelch. http://maxonamerica.com/product/tm-8000-series/ These seem to retail around $250 - $300, about half of a comparable Kenwood. I don't own and haven't used this particular radio, but did hear good things from a GMRS club member.
  15. I was able to hit my clubs's repeater from 92 miles away: I was on a peak at 7500' with my TK-380 at 4 watts and stock antenna. The repeater sits at 3800'. I had a clear line of sight and had no issue making contacts, full quieting. Atop a mountain here in town I routinely make simplex contacts on GMRS ~20 miles away.
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