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Everything posted by WSAN654

  1. Silent helicopters will be over your house at night and men in black at the front and back of your home including German shepards and dobermans . You decide is it worth the risk 20240222_125816.heic
  2. Radioddity G30 Simplex 7 to 10 miles.via repeater 30 to 70 miles west Texas and USB charging and we have 7 of these for work.j Just excellent radios. Baofeng 5RX excellent all round for the price considering my main HT is FT70DR Baofeng K5 plus Cumbersome and too large- tall and thick but if your not going to put on your belt it's excellent for base station or attached to a mag mount in your car USB charging and battery life excellent.
  3. 30 day Test called out for contacts in need of help on GMRS in busy areas.... out of 50 call outs 6 people got back HAM in busy areas... out of 50 call outs 32 got back SAD Hams are not that SAD they was available maybe carry both radios on a road trip it would be different in different areas I'm sure
  4. The only contact available seems to be Facebook contact, i don't do Facebook, and I'm not doing a account just to contact a club, supposed to meet at a local place and i know it was a bar and moved does anyone have a email for them Thank you
  5. What's the reason you chose GMRS over other options price helps a lot of people and no test is a large reason. Maybe you went to a Ham radio club and you felt you was the child there My main reason was for safety at work and family which are both driving Unfortunately the safety issue is a problem, so ham is going to work out better i would say, because there was a bad wreck just outside Seguin where a lady and child came of the road and hit a building so she called for help on a repeater channel and no one would answer her even though there was people on there, so this lady has gone back to HAM, she has been a Radio operator for 20 years and she got GMRS because family did not want to do a ham license. She has zero cellphone coverage people can panic and not use the callsign and you could be ignoring a urgent message, the lady was ok but the 3 year old had a broken leg and collar bone. If your HAM or GMRS you could save a life
  6. Hi anyone know anyone who fixes radios within a 50 mile radius of canyon lake Texas, my preference is a store for GMRS and HAM radio Thank you
  7. Hi we have 7 gm 30, faultless and i live in hill country and getting 10 miles with no repeater, we only use 2 regularly i highly recommend them and very simple to use and there is a few of us thinking about putting repeaters up in the near future, one in canyon lake one in Johnson and one in Kingsland . Carry that 90% of the time, other 10% FT3DR since i got the gm30, a lot of people have moved over to GMRS
  8. Ok Thank you
  9. best place to buy that cable please and i will look up that antenna
  10. thank you
  11. So we can talk 5 mile with no repeater as i don't have permission to use one, going to maybe put home antenna up was it worth it. cost. Thank you
  12. Uploaded photo to my account, are you restricted to type of photo you can upload, i never seen anything about that, but i don't read the small print on anything Thank you
  13. First my choice of ham equipment is 991a FT3DR FT65 6VX 6000R etc So i thought i would try the GM 30 on ranch and trail work, not disappointed at all, and using standard antenna zero problems which for the price is excellent, I'm not one for sitting on the air getting radio checks and talking radios as I'm too busy for that, but in a work capacity these radios are great transmit and receive, battery life is excellent and its the same charger as my phone which makes life simple, not waterproof but there is a way round that and i live in Texas, so rain is rare lol most people i know who was doing there ham license have stopped and moved over to GMRS for many reasons
  14. I'm sure the radio will be excellent, but we have The radioddity GM 30 and zero issues but i may see if the aftermarket antenna's make much difference and the price we buy them at is excellent $23-$29 if we buy more than 2 at a time $23 each
  15. simplex is working here excellent here, we have a total of 7 radios, ive asked someone can i use repeater if needed but as yet I've had no reply but unsure if i would ever need it here and i will probably but a repeater on the hill here are most repeaters open or closed as ive not took much notice of them to be honest
  16. Thank you for the link Your input is appreciated
  17. So my house on the hill i live on is 1325ft above sea level, what's involved in putting a repeater up, at a latter date i would probably put a ham radio one up also. Thank You
  18. So ive used a lot of radios in my time for work purposes, and all my ham equipment is yaesu radios, we are going to purchase 6 GM 30 today, we had 2 for trail on ranch work and i highly recommend them $29 comfortable for work antenna supplied. why i mentioned the ham radios, is that i would not normally look at anything under $200
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