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Everything posted by AmanGMRS

  1. Another thumbs up for the Midland Ghost antenna. Without a doubt the Midland whip will get you more distance, but the Ghost will reach pretty much all of my local repeaters (some not so local also), so I have the Ghost on the majority of the time for my day to day driving around. If I'm going to be taking a longer drive or trip, I'll switch to the whip.
  2. My best performing radios are the Baofeng UV5G+, and the Tidradio H3 when paired with a Nagoya 771G antenna. I get the best receive reports with these two as far as signal strength and clarity. Also they reach further repeaters than some of my other radios. That said, to piggy back on what WRXP381 said, the Baofeng UV9G radio is my most often used radio. It's my EDC basically. I did have some issues initially with the signal dropping with the stock antenna, but I replaced it with the Tidradio H3 antenna when I took that off to put the Nagoya on there. The Tidradio antenna works really well with the UV9G. Keeps it more compact than the extended to throw in a pocket, keep on a belt clip, throw in the car, etc. and performs well enough. I haven't dropped the radio in any streams yet but have dropped it on the ground multiple times, no issues. It's a solid, rugged radio.
  3. Doesn't ship with cigarette lighter, will have to connect your own (seems more complicated than it is, once you do it you'll realize it wasn't that bad), but this is a good performing radio and great antenna. Lacks programming features if you run a lot of different repeaters, and their privacy tone code set up is odd (they use their own numbering system, you need the chart to figure out what is what). But if you're only running one local repeater per channel and don't change often, the quality and performance are tough to beat. You can also get their ghost antenna which is only about 6 inches tall or so and still does well, letting you in and out of garage if you have one. Just look for discount codes, it's a little pricey. **edit to add, this radio is easily hidden out of sight when in sketchy area. Also look into Lido brand mic mount that clips onto your vent. Nothing permanent needed for this radio, antenna, mic hanger set up. Everything can be added and removed in a minute or two. https://midlandusa.com/collections/micromobile/products/mxt275whip-extended-range-bundle
  4. I wouldn't have an issue with it if they would have stayed on specific channels like 6 where that normally is done. But they're taking over all the frequencies now, and the most annoying one is 19 where local chatter should be done. Plus a lot of these guys bleed onto neighboring frequencies on top of it. Reading through difference forums or websites a lot of people feel the same to the point they don't even use their CB much anymore. Who wants to listen to Mud Duck for an entire road trip?
  5. Waffled between this radio and the Radioddity CS47. Ended up with the Radioddity to save money. It is...ok. Hindsight would have preferred the Cobra. That said, I've taken my CB out of the car anyway. Some of these illegal overpowered radio guys left channel 6 that they normally populate, and have taken over channel 19. There's almost zero local chatter anymore because few people have the ability to break in over those guys.
  6. Assuming you mean the RF919? If so, looking forward to it. I've never used a shortwave radio before, and was toying with the idea of getting this as a first due to the price and all the bands it can receive. Was waiting on some reviews before making the purchase.
  7. New stock Midland MXT275 does have wideband set for the repeater channels.
  8. H3 and 5G+ ftw in that group. I wanted to like the H8 but performance was pretty mediocre. If you want another cheaper radio for the collection and to take for camping/hiking type purposes where getting it wet may be an issue, the Baofeng UV9G is a good radio, BUT, I had issues with it with the stock or even extended Baofeng antenna, the audio would drop out whenever I would move slightly. However when I slapped on the Tidradio H3 antenna, it was money. Got me the same range as extended antenna in a smaller package to throw in a backpack.
  9. I just scrolled the channels up (or down). So once I hit channel up or down past the last pre-programmed channels (1 or 30) it automatically jumps to the weather frequencies. This was pre-programming/out of the box.
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