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Everything posted by WRAK968

  1. I've only seen VHF/UHF splitters/combiners, didnt know they worked in same band. But we be getting off topic, The more we learn each day
  2. Interesting to hear Corey, I would think that would still cause distortion in the RF signals when they hit the antenna. I know combiners exist (That is after all how trunking systems work) but I didn't think a duplexer would be able to do the same job.
  3. not at all. All duplexers use 1 lower frequency and one upper frequency. It doesn't matter which one is TX and which one is RX. All that matters is that those frequencies are isolated from one another which is what a duplexer does.
  4. I want to note, I meant a physical label, not morse ID. Its something commonly done in multi-transmitter environments. This allows the FCC, should a complaint arise, to easily tell which radio is the true offender and what license it falls under. (Sometimes the morse ID is hard to decode, especially with todays lazier governments employees)
  5. WRAK968

    Quantar build

    Sounds good with the VM, I do have a drive with an XP shield installed however I still need to order the program cable. Good to know the XP shield will work. Thanks
  6. I don't believe you'll have many issues, Personally I use LMR400 right now and I dont have the issues Berkinet has, though my LMR400 is Aluminum on Aluminum, so perhaps this was an old issue the manufacture has since fixed. One thing you'll want to do is make sure any jumpers you use are shielded well from RF wherever the radios live, And you'll want to label each repeater with a callsign just in-case one causes an issue with interference and is hunted back to your place, you can show that both are being operated legally under their own license. Lastly, while you shouldn't need to go super far with separating the antennas It is wise to put about a 10 foot gap from the top of the first antenna to the bottom of the second to avoid signal distortion when both radios are transmitting. I remember having to do that with the FD antennas when they upgraded from 33mHz to 480. lowering one antenna 10 feet below the other stopped the distortion when PD and FD talked at the same time.
  7. WRAK968

    Quantar build

    (the 1225 is also rack mountable ) I run mine at 35W output and run a cooling fan across the heatsink. The nice thing about the unit is the instant battery revert when the power goes out, and the easy of linking to other systems (I just ordered the RIMS that plug into the back) The major downside to the system is programming though the 1225 requires an XP system or older, and I cant justify spending $100+ just to program the repeater.
  8. Im fast on the quick draw lol
  9. WRAK968

    Quantar build

    A reasonable option could be the GR1225/RKR1225, both are different versions of the same repeater. They require little work to set up, and usually operate at 45 watts. (Maximum allowed for GMRS) The nice part is that you can usually get them with a duplexer and programing/tuning for less than $500 and in a small package that wont take up a server rack of space.
  10. Hey Congrats on your first post lol, and the system thing didnt work, I just forced a blank plug into the radio which gave it error, then pushed an 880 plug into the radio (As thats all I have) As for the meter, I need to find someone with an accurate meter to check mine against.
  11. I believe you need the KPG 62D, you can find it here; https://hamfiles.co.uk/index.php?page=downloads&type=entry&id=radio-programming%2Fkenwood-programming%2Fkenwood-kpg-62d-rss
  12. I did some fighting with it last night, I was able to write into the radio which then made the radio say *ERROR*, a little more tinkering and now it seems to be ok, aside from it only transmitting at 25 watts instead of 45.
  13. So it seems like every time I order another TK880 I have some form of issue lol. So I purchased a TK880H which I guess was used by a fire marshals office. When I went to program it, I was prompted for a password which I do not have. I read around and someone said to hold "Shift" and type SYSTEM to bypass the password. No luck. So I figured ok, rewrite the firmware should clear the password, except the radio will not go into firmware update mode. Last ditch effort, I tried to write too the radio, again, I was asked for a password. I've shot an e-mail to the seller but something tells me he wont know the password either, so I called the number on the sticker which is to a communications shop. Hopefully they can help (And hopefully the radio wasn't stolen) Should this fail, does anyone else have any ideas?
  14. WRAK968

    New logo?

    I believe the entire site changed (At least in BG color) as well
  15. Welcome from a fellow EMT, WRAK968
  16. I sent a message over explaining my findings. Guess we'll see where it goes from there.
  17. So, I recall a conversation a while back about repeaters that are non-existent or no longer in use. Today while browsing repeaters I came across one whose license had expired back in 2011 and when I checked the map, the repeaters location was in the Atlantic Ocean near Africa. Should such a repeater listing be reported, or allowed to remain on the site?
  18. While I think it is an interesting little rig, personally I would stick to the radios I have. I don't feel the equipment is on par with the better known brands like Motorola, Kenwood, and Icom. Especially since I can get any of the three for less than the asking price of the 50x1 ($180+tax & shipping.)
  19. try to get a recording of the sound and post it here so we can hear what you are talking about. There are many different types of data bursts and even digital modes and interfering signals that can cause odd sounds. For instance, my dash cam seems to interfere with ch 15 causing static with a "click" sound when its on. This should be fixible by adding a filter but Im too lazy to do it.
  20. another way to check is to use a scanner, or another radio (Even a bubble pack radio could work) and listen on the RX side to see if your voice is re-transmitted.
  21. Cellphones cheaper than landlines, Heck, I remember when cellphones were called phone booths LOL Welcome to the group
  22. it all depends on what radio you have. Some allow you to program the radio from the face panel, others require software to program repeater splits and some dont allow it at all
  23. Just want to make it clear real quick, I made this post to A ) cut down on users asking for repeater information and B ) to hopefully save them some time by telling them how they can look such information up. I am not an administrator or moderator nor do I work for the MyGMRS forums or site. I just felt it would be easier to explain everything in one easy to find post rather than constantly replying to new users who are asking for frequency or tone information. I am sorry if I caused any confusion as to my status on the site.
  24. Over the past few days, I have seen posts popping up with the title card "looking for a repeater near ____" I have answered a couple of them thinking it was just a new user who wasn't sure how the site worked yet, but being there has been an increase in these posts I figured I would make a quick post about it. The Admins and Mods that run the forum have made it clear that they DO NOT WANT REPEATER INFORMATION TO BE RELEASED ON THE FORUMS! This is to cut down on non-licensed transmissions on active repeaters. This means no member will post a repeaters frequencies or tone codes in a post. However, there are tools that MyGMRS provides to you once you prove you have your license so that you can find repeaters near you. First there is the repeater directory which can be found here; https://mygmrs.com/browse This allows you to search by state, frequency, if the repeater is open to the public or not, and will give you most of the information you need to get into a repeater. Likewise it is handy to determine what frequencies are available if you wish to open your own system. Second is the map; https://mygmrs.com/map Which allows you to look at a map of the US and find repeaters that way. Note, you may still need to look up the repeater in the directory to get tone info and request access. If you can hear a repeater on your radio but cant find it on MyGMRS.com, your next bet would be to scan the tones to see if you can find the one they are using, send your callsign over, and inquire about the repeater to find out if its open access or private use. If you remain respectful, the members usually wont give you a hard time and often will explain how to get permission to use a private repeater.
  25. There are a few, One directly in Klamath, 5 near Medford, one near Scott Valley. As per forum rules no member may post repeater information (frequency or tone.) You will need to log into the MyGMRS site and use either the map or repeater look up links to get that information. Also check that the repeater is open, or that you have permission to use the system.
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