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WSAP632's Achievements

  1. I requested a node number for my repeater and it has been assigned a node number but where the heck is the password? Haha
  2. I am using the URIxB with the RT97S on GMRS live. When i run the Simple USB tune tool and use option 2) "Set Rx Voice Level (using display)" and key up the level bar doesn't move no matter how loud I talk. If I change L) "Change CTCSSFROM Mode (currently "no")" to "usbinvert" and run V) "View COS, CTCSS and PTT Telemetry using real-time display" the CTCSS will change from "CLEAR" to "KEYED" when I PTT. So to me the URI is hearing something. Any help would be apricated. Here are my current setting. (Pretty much default) USB device String: 1-1.1.2:1.0 Card is: 0 Name is: usb Rx Level: 500 Rx ondelay: 0 Rx audio-delay: 0 Tx A Level: 500 Tx B Level: 500 Tx DSP Level: 850 preemphasis: no deemphasis: no plfilter: yes dcsfilter: no rxboost: no PTT: Active LOW PTT status: Un-Keyed CTCSS (input): Ignored COS (input): CM108/CM119 Active LOW COS (test): Un-Keyed COS (composite): Un-Keyed Press <enter> to continue. Thank you.
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