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Everything posted by WSBQ643

  1. So, I bought the RT97 which came with the MA09 base antenna. Hooked everything up including my SWR meter and all was perfect. SWR 1.0 The repeater is tuned and apparently the antenna for 462.6500. When I change the antenna over to use on my HT I get an SWR reading of 2.5. At first I could not figure this out but it dawned on me the antenna was not tuned to transmit on 467 which is another repeater I was wanting to hit. I checked the Retevis website and tried googling to find a turning chart for the antenna like the one used with the Tram 1486 but could not find one. So am I just going to have to purchase a new base antenna or is there a way to tune this one if I decided to use it for a base antenna instead of for the repeater?
  2. I will have to admit I screwed up not paying attention when I ordered the new Btech UV-50V2. Not paying attention I did end up with the Ham version instead of the GMRS version. Was tempted to send it back but decided to see what the major differences were. Need less to say there were not GRMS freqs in the radio but there is a list in CHIRP that has all the freq's and RPT channels as well. Once you upload the radios configuration you can copy and paste the CHIRP list right over the top of the read you got from the radio and it works perfect. Not saying I would use an illegal radio but wanted to see how it worked. Got a constant 45 watts out end to end. Being a law abiding citizen of course I purchased the GRMS version but decided to keep the other one as well just for "listening". Really like the radio. I live a dense wooded area with several little hills and valleys and it had many more far's (credit to notarubicon) than I ever expected. Coupled with the UV-72G mag mount antenna I could not ask for more. Got my vote for what it's worth.
  3. I posted this in the technical discussion forum and thought maybe it would be better served in the general discussion forum given quesitons i have enjoyed reading. So, being the impatient person I am I purchased the UT-72 Nagoya antenna without realizing there was a UT-72G which Baofeng is quick to point out for GRMS you need the UT-72G. Not only am I not patient but I am curious as well and "fars" in the Army just made this worse. After reading more on the two antennas I more or less came to the conclusion that the difference between the two was the rod. The other interesting fact is there is no set screw in the UT-72 to remove the rod for tuning. I went through the channels and found that 1-7 I got an SWR of 1.0 to 1.1. Then 8-14 I was getting 2.2 avg. The repeater channels went up to 1.8 on avg. As mentioned there was no set screw to remove the rod but removing the protective cap on the tip of the rod seemed to work just fine since a little math said I needed it shorter. I cut 5/32 off the tip and retested and came up with 1.0 to 1.1 through all the channels from 1 to 22. I am pretty convinenced there is loading coil differences between the antenna's or at least they are so closely related that a simple tuning of the rod fixed the issue without going for what now seems like a marketing startegy. Could someone tell me if I am missing something or if they have encounterd the same issue? Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the info.
  5. So, being the impatient person I am I purchased the UT-72 Nagoya antenna without realizing there was a UT-72G which Baofeng is quick to point out for GRMS you need the UT-72G. Not only am I not patient but I am curious as well and "fars" in the Army just made this worse. After reading more on the two antennas I more or less came to the conclusion that the difference between the two was the rod. The other interesting fact is there is no set screw in the UT-72 to remove the rod for tuning. I went through the channels and found that 1-7 I got an SWR of 1.0 to 1.1. Then 8-14 I was getting 2.2 avg. The repeater channels went up to 1.8 on avg. As mentioned there was no set screw to remove the rod but removing the protective cap on the tip of the rod seemed to work just fine since a little math said I needed it shorter. I cut 5/32 off the tip and retested and came up with 1.0 to 1.1 through all the channels from 1 to 22. I am pretty convinenced there is loading coil differences between the antenna's or at least they are so closely related that a simple tuning of the rod fixed the issue without going for what now seems like a marketing startegy. Could someone tell me if I am missing something or if they have encounterd the same issue? Thanks.
  6. I recently decided to stand up a GRMS repeater in my area since we have a limited amount in Arkansas. It was suggested I use the "Tool Kit" on "support.nautel.com" to see what my coverage area was going to be. I went to the site and had to register and then the "Took Kit" was free to use. It did point to point plots and site plots. I put in all my infomration and it made a coverage plot and placed it on a map. I was amazed at just how accurate this tool was. For the antenna type and car coverage I had to select "custom" from the drop down. I would suggest this site and this tool for anyone who was looking to stand up a repeater or just wanted to know their point to point plot. I kind of blame "notarubicon" for peaking my interest in all of this and getting back into radios after 30 years and multiple deployments in the Army. I was a 25F/W40 in the Army and ranged from microwave to satellite communications with multiple radio's in between. Good to be back.
  7. All new to the GRMS and repeater world. I have Baofeng UV-5G Plus radios. The problem I am having is understanding exactly how to program in a repeater. My repeater channels are from 23 to 30 and have a + showing in the screen. The repeater on mygrms.com shows 462.70000 with a 141.3 tone. That is channel 29 on my radio. I went to the menu and put in the tones for TX and RX with no problem. There was no offset showing on the repeater on mygrms.com so I did not put one in. What I don't understand is when I key the radio the TX frequency changes to 467.7000 and the RX comes back to what it should be. Since the site does not show the 467.7000 for TX or RX I am assuming that is why nobody is hearing me. Can you please explain what is going on or what I am doing wrong? Thank you.
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