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  1. Not enough traffic to confirm this morning - dump trucks seem to be a common phrase leading me towards this.
  2. That would be the offending signal - I’m listening to them crystal clear right now. Truck 850 just got back in the yard
  3. The NEXEDGE48 system is construction workers working somewhere in downtown Detroit. Lots of broken English / heavy Spanish accents, talking about Congress street and Jefferson, heading back up Woodward. I’ll upload calls a little later when I have a bigger batch
  4. The radio alias is populating via the decoder, dsd+ doesn’t hook into RRDB like sdrtrunk does.
  5. I had to make some adjustments, it’s picking up 2 systems. A NEXEDGE 48 system on 462.5325 which is the offending signal and a IDAS system which is delta com single site on 462.5375, which they confirmed as theirs. The nexedge 48 site just keyed up and the guy is at Jefferson and Congress, downtown Detroit currently.
  6. I’ll update this once I have enough humint to determine what the business is
  7. Yes, that is too far away. You lose signal completely by 13 and greenfield
  8. Yes, I have a subscription. It is populating customer radio ID data, which I’m confirming with delta com. So far nothing correlates to the RRDB listings, nothing even close.
  9. at this point my focus is gathering calls and extrapolating who it is, which will lead us to the result. I understand what you’re saying in theory, but it doesn’t add up to the real world results.
  10. It says it’s an IDAS system as well
  11. I’m waiting to hear back from delta com now its 100% a landscaping company - couple dozen calls so far. Unable to determine who it is yet - still doesn’t add up to being a deltacom customer because there is no repeater in this area. We’re gonna see though!
  12. DSD Fastlane decoders are working - I got 3 voice calls clear as day. Now we listen in for the details.
  13. This is the calls using a nxdn decoder. I have samples of encrypted P25 traffic from MPSCS system that sound just like that, I’m hoping the dsd+ fast lane decoders will work better.
  14. And it’s possible I don’t understand what you’re asking too, this has been a whirlwind of information.
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