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  1. You can shop around for deals and many of the YT people have codes you can use for discounts. I ended up with the Comet CA-712EFC 460-470MHz 9 dBi Gain base antenna, and I used the premade Messi & Paoloni hyperflex 13 premium .500" coax w/PL259 connectors. I also had to get an N male to UHF female adapter and silicone seal shrink tube too. With all the discount codes I found, and sales they had going on I was able to get everything for less then $250 including shipping.
  2. You need a different y adapter. the outputs on the back of the radio are one single channel each. So you can get a Y that has 2 male single channel plugs that converge into a female 3.5mm that is stereo or 3 bands. You then need a speaker that has the stereo plug on it. I pasted a picture here that has the male versions so you can see the difference. And labeled the Positive and negative parts of the jacks. So you want a y adaptor with 2x 2 pole male to 1x 3pole female, and a speaker that has a 3 pole male. You could get a y with 2 male 2 poles to 1 female 2 pole, but this would not be the best option but will work.
  3. It tells you in the manual you cannot change the option unless you set the radio into frequency mode. Once you change it it will allow you to change it.
  4. I got a couple of these radios when amazon had them on sale last week. I had the same issues for the most part. I like the radios but they are very different from every other GMRS radio I have owned. Yes you are correct, once you create your 30 custom channels in a group. 1. goto click the cog 2. select Channels & Groups 3. Select Import Device Channels 4. Add a title for the ch list and save it to your phone That way when you change something you can always upload it back from your phone to the radio. Its really quite useful when travelling, so you can load in channels for each city your passing through, and not have to worry about preprogramming the radio with a limited amount of channels. Another issue that stumped me for a bit was the DTC tones. I had some repeaters that used TX/RX DCS-423N but if I put that in it won't TX or RX the repeater. I had to put it as 423I which shows as 315N/423I so I am guessing the firmware has them reversed as they are listed so if you need 423I you would select 432N/315I. The Network channels are quite interesting as well, but not sure how they actually work. Seems like linked radio through the phones internet, but maybe its dead now never hear anyone talking on it.
  5. If Windows assigns a Com port higher then 9 just go into device manager and change it to one lower, pretty easy fix.
  6. The antennas that come on the radios from the factory are typically decent at everything. I have bought several different brands expecting to have better performance and from my experiences there is no difference over the factory antennas. When your talking about a HT, the improvements are mostly so small you can't and won't notice the differences. Now with that said if you get something like a magnetic mount Midland MXTA12 & MXTA26 you will notice some improvements and just use an adapter to the HT. I had that antenna on a KG1000g Plus and was picking up tons of chatter from rail roads, Ham nets, and Fire, EMS frequencies really well over any antenna i ever wasted money on for my HT. Just my .02.
  7. If you have not figured this out yet you need to adjust your simple USB settings most likely this was the same issue I had. I'm surprised you didn't find this searching the forums.
  8. You can get the Pin out from the RT97S to the URIxB from several places on the net. the URIxB connects with USB to the PI. Yes when you are setting up Aterisk you select option 1. Simplex with Telemetry The simpleUSB settings I posted a SS of is what fixed mine. The factory settings that came on the RT97S myGMRS img file did not work for mine.
  9. I don't own a Q10H, I do have a 9PX. I would recommend either. The 9px you can only get from bsr and it comes preprogrammed with about 900 memories in it. The Q10H is newer model with more features like GPS, but you will need to enter your own memories. I don't think you can go wrong with either IMHO. My 9PX is my EDC and it works fantastic.
  10. 1500ac is more like 2 1/4 sq/miles. Go to Retevis web site and grab one of the RT97s repeater bundles. https://www.retevis.com/retevis-rt97s-portable-repeater-and-2pcs-ailunce-ha1g-gmrs-radio-bundle-us Its basically made for what your doing, and its portable so you can put it up and take down easily. You can even get a package deal with radios from them, one lump deal its easy to setup and basically plug and play. You can get it with tuned antenna and coaxial cable and everything you need. I'm in Texas as well and Hunt 40Acres in Leon County off lake limestone and simplex is basically impossible so we use the RT97s. I use a flag pole on my camper to raise the antenna up 40ish feet in the air and viola problem solved. Plus with the repeater you can hear them talking when your talking, which is good when there are several people and you double. Just my opinion, but typically when I asked for the same help you asked for you'll get people telling you you need to spend $10k on all the commercial over kill crap you don't need. Also you can get a Midland setup that is very similar just more expensive. The draw back is the duty cycle these portable units will get hot if it stays keyed up a lot.
  11. On my Grand Design 5th wheel there is a ladder on the back. So I bought a flagpole to put on the ladder from camping world, here is a link. https://www.campingworld.com/pyramid-led-whips-flagpole-kit-and-camp-locator-with-bluetooth-control-122892.html I wasn't real happy with the way it mounts so I added some arma-flex rubber around the ladder before attaching the flag pole mount, and it made it more sturdy and protected. You can get the arma-flex or pipe wrap from home depot. Then I use the Retevis antenna that came with my RT-97S portable repeater from them on the top of the flag pole, it also came with 50ft of coaxial. I think this is the antenna that came with it. https://www.retevis.com/ma09-high-gain-gmrs-omni-directional-base-antenna-us So far its ok, I didn't want to get the fancier Flag poles due to price, but it might be better after having this one for a little bit now. The higher priced ones have an attachments at the top and bottom of the ladders which i feel would be more secure. We haven't gotten into high winds yet with this one to really see if its needed.
  12. This seems to have it working currently, hope it can be useful for anyone else.
  13. The image file is on page 5 of private discussion/repeater linking one is specifically listed as for the Rt97s but it don’t work, and you can’t edit nothing to fix it because it’s locked down mostly as read only. So it’s pretty much a waste of time. Tried chmod to read write execute but it fails.
  14. I had on my truck dual firesticks on each bed rail and then had my mxta26 on the roof about 2.5ft away from each firestick with no issues.
  15. As the title states I am stumped so I am attempting to see if someone can help. I purchased an RT97S. I decided since mygmrs has all the linking items I would go ahead and link it. However this has been a nightmare. Searching this web site and forums it seems no one has ever made this work even though it is advertised on the shop and even Retevis' web site as working. I found the RT97s myGMRS img and flashed it to an a sd card, then configured and connected to the network. (Had to order a PI3b+for this image) Green dot shows on the map, and i can connect to other nodes. I purchased the URIxB from mygmrs shop as well as the 25db to db9 cable from the shop. I have also modified a hamvoip1.7 img to work on mygmrs as well. Based on a forum post, green dot shows on map and can connect to other nodes and listen. (This image is much faster booting and runs on Pi3B+ and Pi4) The repeater works as it should in stand along mode. I connect the db9 cable to the URIxB and repeater. Then from the URIxb usb to the Pi usb. When I turn on the pi I get ID and time/weather from the repeater RF. I can key the repeater from Supermon to get audio over RF to all my radios. If I link the node to another node on the network I can hear people talking over the repeaters RF. The problem is when I transmit from a HT the repeater is not sending audio to the node. I am not able to talk over the network through the repeater. The URIxB has flashing green light, and if the node is IDing the red light lights up. If i connect to active nodes and people are talking I can hear them and the red light on the URIxB lights up. When I transmit from an HT the repeater lights up but no red light and no audio makes it to the node/network. I have tried: DPL/CTCSS tones, No Tones eeprom mode 1 and 0 Simplex mode 1 and 0 Duplex mode 2 only way I get the cos to trigger is manually key in simple usb tuner option I from low to high I can attach an AURSINC simplex radio/audio and it works, but is not allowed on myGMRS so just used for testing but was able to get my green dot to turn red Has anyone ever gotten this setup to work? It seems the issue is either a setting combination i am missing, or and issue with the Cable or URIxB I bought from myGMRS shop.
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