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WRXR255 last won the day on July 23 2024

WRXR255 had the most liked content!

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  • Name
    Coyote Hubbard
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  • Location
    Olympic Peninsula

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  1. I could be wrong, but I was thinking the UV-5RM could not RX airband like the AR-5RM.
  2. I know little on the subject of RF propagation, but could there be a perfect placement of a tower structure or something like it on the antenna farm where the antenna has a narrow slice in a direction that is dead? Just spitballing here.
  3. Obi Wan Steve: "These are not the towers your looking for, move along"
  4. Good point. Dear Mom, How are you doing? The siblings and I know you are short on funds, and cannot make this months mortgage payment, so we got together and chipped in. You now have a GMRS license! So exciting! Anyway, Love you! Your kids. (Yes, im going to hell 8-P )
  5. So, with that drama all out of the way... How do we combat this travesty of not allowed linking. A friend wants to know.
  6. Something that is a bit hard to figure out in CHIRP is it is mostly smart. If you think of it as a left to right fill in the blanks task you usually get everything right. 1) Put in the freq 2) Select mode A) TSQL - TX RX same - it will ask for the tone. Dont touch any other tone or DCTS setting or Cross mode setting, its in there. a) Cross Modes are weird. You select tone->tone and it asks for them, if they are the same it goes, its actually TSQL (or DTCS for digital) and sets the mode for it. So, im not sure why in the cross mode setting it has an option of Tone->tone, when it just makes it TSQL in the tone mode (same for DTCS), but yeah. 3) At this point all you need to change on the channel is the offset settings, and if DTCS the polarity if needed. 4) If any of these are a mix like digital and tone, its best to add freq like in 1), then go to Cross mode and select direction. It will ask for the tones. A) On these settings, everything before "- >" is the TX, after is the the RX. it will ask for each and set everything else it needs for those options. Basically, for CHIRP you only have to put in a freq, select something from Tone Mode or Cross Mode, it will ask for the Tones and/or Digital. put those in as it asks, and dont touch anything else in these positions except polarity for digital modes. Its easy to overthink it otherwise. This info piece was brought to you by someone on a Friday and already on the way to a shitfaced drunken weekend. There could be errors, my bad.
  7. If the TX and RX tone are the same, it needs to look like these:
  8. Not sure about the UV-5RM, but the AR-5RM will also RX/TX the 220 and RX the Air Bands.
  9. wish a flat earth was true, then my belly wouldnt feel ignored.
  10. When they kick your door in at 3 AM and shoot your dog you will know.
  11. Userbase may have dropped off, but the use and engagement on the platform has increased dramatically, sometimes beating out MSM number wise. Something it never had before. Sheer numbers of users don't equate success.
  12. When Elon Musk bought Twitter, he fired over 80 percent of its workforce, and it flourished. Love the line from the Joker in the first Batman reboot... "This town needs an enema".
  13. The repeater list here at MyGMRS.com https://mygmrs.com/repeater/4116 Has a button for request access.
  14. I hear that they might be shutting down for a while to stop the spread of MonkeyPox.
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