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  1. Just want to say thank you to all that have replied to this 'Node' question. After reading all these replies and doing more research of my own, I will not be involved with them. I'm not too fond of the idea of causing congestion. That's never needed. Again, thank you all.
  2. I am still new to GMRS. I have successfully learned a lot so far and put the knowledge to good use. I have recently seen many topics about something called NODES' I have an area in mind that is just out of reach from a repeater. But if there is a node nearby, I may be able to access it if I get permission. I think this will solve my problem or does a Node do something completely different? Just some quick advice will set me on my research for this topic. Thanks in advance.
  3. I am searching for Repeaters to have access to in the event of an emergency. As we all know if services go down and we need repeater access to communicate; they are NG if down. I always like to plan for the worst, so now is the time. In particular, I need to know if BTG Communications on Long Island has this capability. Thanks, everyone in advance for any info you can supply. Be safe
  4. Thank you so much for your help. I think now I have everything where it belongs. And I'll keep that ch15 in mind. Won't have to use this as a paper weight now.
  5. Thank you for your answer. I will reload the img file with those settings and giv them a try again.. Thank you so much for the help
  6. I am just about ready to turn this hardware into paperweight. I have tried everything, ready everything (even the dreaded manual that come with it) and watched countless YouTube videos on how to input settings into this to provide me with repeater access. Perhaps I am too far away from it; but I do get a tone or a digital callback from at least one of them. I would only hope that someone can at least just advise me where in the settings (using Chirp) these settings go. When initially downloading from the radio, it's memory is divided. Channels 1-22 have a label called GMRS1 - GMRS22 and Channels 23 - 30 are labeled REPTR 1-8 My question is. The repeaters usually provide their frequency(s) IN an OUT as well as the IN and OUT PL. I am using Chirp for entries. When first entering this info, do you start first off with entries made in the REPRT1-8 section OR the GMRS1-22 section Hi or LOW power area? Any help is appreciated. If the answers are that I am doing this correctly than I will be able to conclude that I am just in an area too far from the repeater... Thanks so much for any help or suggestions....
  7. Thank you for your time you took to give me an answer. Looks like all I have to do is match the Existing Repeater number channels to the repeater and add those nasty PL numbers when the operator gives me access. I love this stuff and once I get a good grip on this I will begin studying for my Technician license. This is fascinating!! Thank you my friend and have a good day..
  8. I am new and learning. I just got this radio and I have successful in getting some repeaters loaded and operational. However I am having a problem with setting up a repeater that seems to have some frequencies that are of the 467.000 range. This radio does not have that band listed; only those of the 462.000 band. My question is, will I be able to use this repeater? It's asking for PL settings, but I am not sure which ones to use. Sorry to be a pest. Thank you in advance..
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