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Everything posted by crash3x

  1. Yeah I'll second that a genuine apple adapter works just fine with a MacBook Air, chirp and the original baofeng cable. Used it today actually!
  2. Credit to your point.... I tried via Parallels on my Mac and bricked it! I was tying to resolve the squelch tail issue since I have (4)TD-H3's I use for outdoor stuff. No I didn't really "need" it, but it would have been nice since it's a little annoying, lesson learned. I'll definitely be more cautious in the future, it's not as simple as an iPhone lol!
  3. So there's two repeaters in my area that use repeater frequency 462.62500, both repeaters obviously have different input and output tones. Can I enter the same repeater frequency and specific in/out tones on a different channel to use both repeaters or do I have choose which repeater I want to use at that specific time and enter/change the in/out tones to use the other repeater? Hopefully that makes sense, I tried to word it the best I could! Thanks for any help!
  4. I apologize for not clarifying properly. I looking to update the Firmware.
  5. I apologize for not clarifying properly. I looking to update the Firmware.
  6. How do I update my TD-H3 using a MacBook. Do I use Chirp, OdMaster or the Tidradio Website? What's the steps/process? Any links/download links & tips would be appreciated. Thanks!!
  7. Would you know? I'm using TD-H-3's and TD-H8's. I'll do my research as well, still in my learning curve. If I may also ask, If I enter the Rx and Tx tones/codes, what's the advantage? Less traffic on my radio to radio communication? Or? Thank you! Any and all info is appreciated!
  8. Hi, still learning so please have patients... So on my hand held I found my local GMRS repeaters, entered the in & out Rx and Tx tone/code and I hit them/opened them up. 1) Do I need both Rx and Tx in & out programed to take full advantage of the repeater or can I just enter the Tx out and leave the Rx off so I can listen to all traffic? With Tx out only programed will I still be able to use/open the repeater? OR do I need both Rx and Tx programed for the repeater to work properly? 2) Can I enter a repeater on any channel I want? Say channel 50, as long as I set the offset +5 and the proper tones/codes? Thank you much!!
  9. So, I gave it a shot, as programed in my attachment above from chirp, I key up and it opens the repeater, I call for a radio check and it seems like I'm getting a response per my meter/receive light but I can't here the response/any traffic. To rule out the no traffic on said frequency, I put my other H3 in frequency mode, punched in the frequency 462.xxxxx and I can hear traffic loud & clear. To be able to communicate rather than just listen, I know my Rx is blank in chirp as one pointed out so I figured that was the issue, but when I go into chirp and try to enter the 243DPL in Rx DTCS, it won't take. Any thoughts? Any suggestions or reconfigurations I can try? Am I missing/overlooking another setting? I'd really like to figure this out as it's one of the very few repeaters in my area I can clearly hit. Once again, many thanks for any help/info!! This is the info from my gmrs I'm trying to get set up properly..
  10. Semi newbie needing help.. Open repeater in my area.. I'm trying to program my TD-H3 with a DPL243 input and output tone. I don't want to key up and test it unless I have it set up properly. Also, it doesn't note if it's plus or minus, should I assume it's Plus? To add, yes I'm in range of the repeater and yes I was told it is still active. I never added a DPL only CTCSS .Does this look correct? These are the fields I entered in CHIRP. Please see attachment. Thanks in advance for any help!
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