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About offroadkid

  • Birthday 05/15/1973

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  • Name
    Joshua Whitgob
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Shingle Springs, California

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  1. We are traveling from Northern California, through Oregon, Washington into Idaho for Thanksgiving. I love to drive, and I especially love driving in bad weather! I connected my radio to CHIRP Software and chose RadioReference from the pulldown menu and it shows my local emergency list that I was able to download to the radio, but how do I figure out how to get it to show me the listings for other states so I can just download those to the radio also? It will only show El Dorado County, (my location). Thank you!
  2. I can't believe I missed that! That was what I searched for before posting this, thank you!
  3. It is soft like rubber or foam.
  4. This spacer (maybe?) came in the bag with my antenna but there isn't any instructions that came with it. It would seem that it goes between the radio and the antenna? You can see it in the 3rd photo on the website too. https://www.baofengradio.com/products/ra-md2
  5. I just transmitted to see if anyone can hear me and I got 4 replies with "crystal clear!" We are on top of a hill at 1531' elevation and I have a Baofeng UV-5G Plus with a longer antenna.
  6. Oh, so that's probably the 229.1 then? Okay, here is what I have now. I think (with your help) I got it correct?!
  7. I was able to set it to HIGH! I was able to switch Tone MODE to TSQL, but when I go the "Tone Squelch" it only gives me a pull down menu of numbers, I cannot choose or input CTCSS?
  8. Okay, great! Is there a way to add CTCSS 229.1 using CHIRP?
  9. Good afternoon from WSCJ959 in Shingle Springs! Every Tuesday night my local group has a Safety Net with roll call and people can ask questions about their radios. I'm new to GMRS and can tune-in on Tuesday nights but the last two nights I tried to check-in, I don't think people are hearing me. Oak Hill GMRS Repeater (Channel 22R - 462.725 / 467.725 - CTCSS 229.1) I am using channel 22 but today I was thinking maybe I need to be on channel 30 on my radio which is marked as a repeater channel and has an +5 offset, (I think that is correct)? I really need help with tones and other settings. The group email says CTCSS 229.1 Can someone confirm that I should be using channel 30 instead? I'm including a screenshot of my CHIRP software with some of the download channels of my radio.
  10. Yeah I think that is a losing battle!! He is not excited about new fun technology like me!!
  11. I will see what I can find. I do remember now when I asked him his channel he said 2 but he said there was also a number 4 or point 4?
  12. I set the squelch to what Randy @OffRoaderX suggested on his YouTube channel. I didn’t think about the squelch possibly being the reason!
  13. Yesterday it was 110° here so we put our rigs in 4LO took our friends up to elevation just under 9000’ to get to better temps. Up at Leviathan Peak Lookout at the top of Monitor Pass it was a “pleasant” 84°! My friend has two Motorola Talkabout MJ270R two way radios that we always use but this trip I have my new Baofeng UV-5G Plus so I wanted to use it instead. I asked him what channel he was on and he said, “Channel 2”. I set it to channel 2, transmitted but he didn’t hear me. He transmitted from his radio and I picked it up. I looked last night on my radio to see if the frequencies were the same with the online manual I found for his radio and they are both the same frequencies for channel 2 (462.5875). Does anyone have an idea why there was an issue hearing me? I Googled to see if my radio works with his and it said it does. I didn’t know how to scan from my radio and signal was spotty where we were to look it up. I will put the user manual in the glove box for next trip!
  14. I just got my license not too long ago and my UV-5G PLUS, and then this morning I got an email there’s a new UV-5G PRO!! Oh man!!
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