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  1. OK I'll check it out... Again I'm a Mac guy and I haven't navigated PC's since the DOS/Win3.1 days....
  2. Thanks - That sounds good. Where in Windows do I find the port assignments?
  3. Hi myGMRS friends - can anyone help me with this? It's as much a PC question as a repeater question: Have an ICOM FR4000-3 repeater that I'm trying to get on the air for GMRS. The duplexer has been retuned and I am now seeking to program the repeater for new frequencies, etc. I have the programming cable and CS-FR3000 cloning software installed on my Windows (Windows 11) computer. The program runs, but I can't get the computer to recognize the radio and I suspect it's a COM port issue. NOTE: I'm more of a Mac guy so the settings for PCs are not really my thing.... The software has four COM port settings, COM1 through COM4, and I see no way in the program to expand/alter this. None of these four will allow the radio to be recognized. I understand PCs have more than four COM ports so I'm wondering if my USB port is some other port, and if there is a way to get things to line up. Suggestions?
  4. Hi, I'm trying to find and identify area repeaters (Montgomery County/Howard County area). Anyone aware of any repeaters in this area on .675? Thanks for any reply, WSCR525/David
  5. I appreciate the replies! I've identified two repeaters on 462.700 (Tx) that I can hit pretty easily from my location just south of Ashton. One uses a 141.3 tone (thanks radiozip), and another uses 167.9. I am assuming these are two different repeaters and not one repeater with two different tones! I do not have a directional antenna so I have no clue where these are without some driving around to see where they come up (which I'll do over the coming weeks).
  6. Hi Again, Seems like this is not an active group?? If it is, does anyone here have experience retuning a duplexer for GMRS who might be able to give me some guidance or assistance? Thanks, David WSCR525
  7. Md GMRS Network, I've been looking into area repeaters. I'm hearing a repeater here in Montgomery County that's on 462.700 but I can't find it listed here on mygmrs. Can anyone tell me about where this repeater is, is it open use, and if so what's the tone? Thanks, David
  8. Hi, I just joined this club and am saying Hello. I am new to GMRS, though I held an advanced class amateur license (KD2RC) for many years and then drifted away from it. Recently got re-bitten by the radio bug and decided to use GMRS as a gentle dip in the pool. I see mention of a weekly evening net. Is this still active? David WSCR525
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