Hi myGMRS friends - can anyone help me with this? It's as much a PC question as a repeater question:
Have an ICOM FR4000-3 repeater that I'm trying to get on the air for GMRS. The duplexer has been retuned and I am now seeking to program the repeater for new frequencies, etc. I have the programming cable and CS-FR3000 cloning software installed on my Windows (Windows 11) computer. The program runs, but I can't get the computer to recognize the radio and I suspect it's a COM port issue. NOTE: I'm more of a Mac guy so the settings for PCs are not really my thing.... The software has four COM port settings, COM1 through COM4, and I see no way in the program to expand/alter this. None of these four will allow the radio to be recognized. I understand PCs have more than four COM ports so I'm wondering if my USB port is some other port, and if there is a way to get things to line up. Suggestions?