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    NJ-0200 & NJ-1500
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    Fire Service, Emergency Management and Director of Emergency Telecommunications Services for my jurisdiction. I worked for a Motorola Radio Shop for many years, during my school years and in between my full time job, as a Law Enforcement Officer. I assist many of my area Fire & Police Departments in System Designs and Frequency Coordination efforts. I hold the position of COMT, with the SB Fire Chief's Association. Pre 9-11-01. I also serve, as a member of the Bergen County Fire Radio Committee for 29 years. Introduced GMRS Radio Spectrum to NJ REACT Teams, since my group was incorporated, in the mid 1970's. During 9-11-01 a member of the NJ Port Authority who was a member of JCES, was using our GMRS system due to loss of their radios and was the last time we heard from him when the North Tower Collapsed. JCES was featured on the front page of the January 1999 Popular Communications Magazine.

    Super Bowl XLVIII my SBFMA Comm. Team worked with the FBI & FCC Tech Support for two years prior. Through MOU's we now have a separate bank for Disaster's and Special Events frequencies with Astro Secure in this area.

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  1. Everyonce in a while, I do use a Weather Eagle 200 on my repeater. The Alerts, are set to 90 seconds.
  2. Cash082, Thank you, so far it has been over a month of this issue. When you are u in the area of your 550 Robertsville, lets see what happens again. You using your access tone and I want to see if you activate two repeaters again. This could be further out on Staten Island now. I have not had the time to travel lately. I am working on several area fire depts radio systems this ast month with ugrades. Call my cell phone to see if i am around.
  3. Logan5, Very Good! Would she rather see another Cell Phone Tower planted next to her property? At least with your tower she will not be glowing, in her sleep. Also if your neighbor is trying to call, Johnny during a Hurricane Cell Phones just don't have it. Up here, in NJ during Hurricane Sandy many hours before that got here, all cellular users had a very hardtime communicating. It was a big failure even when your a government employee. So maybe she will see what this is all about, when the FAM gets afftected.
  4. John, We have been in discussion on that, but the Part 95 Rules may have a problem with that and vaige. The problem is that when out of the area the person connecting with that to a GMRS system will not be hearing a co-channel station when communicating and is causing anticipated harmful interference. Remember by checking the frequency in CSQ, before keying up to see if it is Clear. The problem is there are too many GMRS systems on the Air, in the NYC Metro Area. FYI Public safety agencies here, in NJ now have what is call Mutualink which is installed at PSAP, PSDC and Mobile Command Posts, Hospitals, OEM & FBI. It now has a IPone App. now. That is why SPEN Radio now is limited use. My agency is now in the Planning and Budget stages of leaving the VHF Conventional System to the New NJ Public Safety Interoerabilty Comm System and going with Secure. Many agencies in the Essex and Bergen County area, are headed to this system.
  5. John, Thats what I was trying to say, LOL I was half asleep when I was sending that out. I think it's the repeater that Cash uses. When he was on his access tone he was not bring up the machine, I am waiting for that repeater owner to call me. Thanks, Paul
  6. This CSQ or All Tones Enabled repeater, is located somewhere south of Jersey City, New Jersey. It has been very annoying for now the last 3 weeks. I key it up from my Base & Mobile fulltime. I have reached out to a Brooklyn repeater owner and it is not his. When he was on his way home from vacation a few days ago, he was bringing it up 100 percent of his time, in the Central NJ area and it was interferiing blocking out his 550 machine which is located by the water. This all started after those severe thunderstorms back around July 2 thru the 4th, 2014. Cash082, was also having a hardtime hearing my Bergen County system , when he was in the area of Sayerville and the Driscoll Bridge and Simulcasting. Butt that is a area which is very Shadowed to my Array. I have emailed a repeater owner, from CNJ to call me. The Doubling starts at EWR International on I-95 going south. I also had one of my users try it ontop of Garret Mountain Castle Look Out both Low & High Power on his HT and he does not bring it up. So this is somewhere down in the CNJ area. I also have seen another system out of LINY on 462.550 listed about two weeks ago on MYGMRS.com. I have requested to use that system but not have heard back from them. If anyone can assist in this matter please reach out to N2ROW or Captain056. Thanks Much, Paul
  7. Gentlemen, The radios in question are Chinese import radios that are “unlocked” to extend through the entire band. The system in question is: WQQK520, which is licensed to Chaveirim Volunteer Services, Inc., on 461/466.9875 MHz. 461.9875 IS NOT a pubic safety frequency under the current rules and is afforded no protection in any such manner that a public safety licensee would be. Additionally, it is licensed for an incredibly high effective radiated power from a 160 ft. water tank. The system is licensed for analog FM, wide and narrow NXDN, and DMR (the combination of NXDN and DMR in the same radio or repeater is currently impossible). Chaveirim (translated meaning “hello friends”) is a 501©(3) formed within the Hasidic community in Lakewood. As such, they are not eligible for a 90.20 frequency, but are appropriately licensed for a 90.35 frequency. There are two issues subsets of problems here: 1) Children don’t get these things on their own. The radios in question are programmed on frequency, have the appropriate input offset, and the appropriate squelch code. This seems more like parents involved or maybe formerly involved in Chaveirim left the radios around or gave them to their children when they were no longer needed. I highly doubt that children (I’m thinking pre-teens) have the faculties to program and configure this particular frequency/access combination into anything without parental involvement. 2) One must understand how frequency coordinators work. For 90.20 services, frequency coordinators SHOULD make their applicants define an area of operation. Sometimes the area of operation is unrealistic, like a one square mile town that is asking for a 25 mile radius to operate within, or for countywide coverage. Other times, the “AOP” is accurate for regular operations. The frequency coordinator attempts to find the frequency or frequencies where the system may operate with the least intrusion to other on or adjacent to them. In NJ, that’s usually impossible and “the best of the worst” is provided. In business, there is no such protection. Frequencies are assigned on the basis of mobile loading. So, it is possible to have six repeaters in very close proximity to each other and the FCC expects “shared use” of the resources (and has a requirement in the Rules about mandatory monitoring prior to transmission). In real life, 461.9875 MHz gets zero protection, so, had the children not been playing on the radios, it would be entirely possible that Giuseppi the Plumber, Town Florist, King Wok Delivery, and all kinds of other commercial operators would license up on the same frequency in the same area. Chaveirim would then be required to share the channel (but NOT the repeater, unless they leased facilities). There does not appear to be incursion on to any Lakewood municipal or Ocean County services. Paul
  8. Captain056

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    JCES Telecommunications
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