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Everything posted by WSDE521

  1. I got mine today, just reading the owner manual and checking out the functions , it has a lot of great features, I will let you know what I think of it in a few days or weeks!!
  2. I am in the same boat my friend I want a base station but don’t know how high I would need to get my antenna so it would work well enough to reach out to the closest repeater! I am trying to learn enough about the ham radios so I can get my ham license !! There is a lot to remember with that! Anyway I got my GMRS license so I can use the radios with my family when we go camping and hiking. It’s something we really enjoy and I have a background in tracking people in the wilderness and I have taught my son and daughter this now teaching my grandchildren this , in the world we live in now. Never know when SHTF is coming, i like have them in case of emergencies in my neighborhood and or area
  3. How well does that radio work? I have read good things about it, I ordered one and it will be delivered today!! , just wondering how well it works for you. I am extremely new to this and I am trying to learn. I have may FCC license and want to start talking ASAP . I bought a beginner’s guide book and I am reading. Please let me know how well this radio works!
  4. I agree, some people can’t admit they don’t know something and refuse to ask! I have learned and sometimes the hard way, just ask and someone will help you out! It’s dangerous in a lot of situations to not admit you don’t know something ! It can lead to yourself and or others to get hurt or even killed!
  5. Same here man ! If I don’t know I ask
  6. I am very new to this but willing to learn as much on my own and always open for suggestions and advice! I have noticed a few people on here believe they know everything about everything!! But no one on earth knows everything!! I grew up in the country and I just ignore those people! I let people live their lives and I will live mine regardless of their opinions.
  7. Thank you it is working very well and I live life to the fullest, mainly for my grandchildren. I don’t let it show when I am having a bad day, I love them and they love me, I can’t let it show. I have a positive outlook and this
  8. I see you have a German Shepherd or at least it’s a picture on your profile, I have one as well his name is Apollo! He is 5 years old and very well trained and spoiled, he is very protective of me and super protective of my grandchildren!! Here is a photo of my baby , enjoy the time with your grandkids and thank you for realizing how difficult having cancer is! I don’t let it control me, I have my grandchildren to think about and I live life to the fullest!!!
  9. I got mine for recreation with my family and friends, we love the outdoors and I also was thinking that since we live in a Hurricane zone (Myrtle Beach) that it would be nice to have the radios in case we need help or anyone else in my neighborhood would need help!! we travel to the NC mountains almost every holiday to enjoy the peace and quiet along with the family fun of hiking and camping. I have 5 grandchildren and all of them go on the trips with us. I love teaching them how to live outdoors and use compass and map! I did buy the 3 older ones a GPS from Garmin and have taught them how to use them by setting waypoints and base camp! They enjoy me hiding things in the woods and giving them coordinates of the items, then see if they can find it ! I am very happy to say they have picked up on it well. I taught my son and daughter how to use a compass and map along with a pass counter to keep track of how far they have traveled. Sorry I couldn’t help myself but I am proud of them!!
  10. Thank you sir , to be very honest the immunotherapy is working fantastic, all of the tumors in my brain have shrink drastically and my cognitive skills are getting better all the time, I still have days that are not as good as others but the treatment really works well. I will have to take it once a month for the rest of my life unless it goes into remission, I don’t think brain cancer can do that. But thank you
  11. Thank you! When I get negative comments on anything that is meant to be an insult I don’t respond to it!! I just ignore it! Doesn’t mean anything to me! I have a thick skin always have had it. I worked Bail Enforcement for many years and learned to just let remarks like that slide off my shoulder and I move on! Just because someone doesn’t agree with what I am doing doesn’t mean it’s wrong!
  12. That’s is my reason, we go camping in the mountains often and use them just in case someone wonders off the trail or they get hurt or anything they want others to know!! I have always enjoyed camping and hiking, I use to be on a search and rescue team , I have quite a bit of tracking skills and I also did high angle rescue, such as repelling down to get someone that was stuck on the side of a cliff!! I really enjoyed doing all of that. I thought my son and daughter how to survive in the woods along with several survival skills , such as how to use a compass and map. They both know how to repel and now we are teaching my grandchildren that are old enough the same skills. But yes I want to use the GMRS radios for those reasons.
  13. Thank you!
  14. Thank you, I will never give up!! I have 5 grandchildren all girls to think about as well as a son and daughter!! I have to stay positive for them! They love me and I love them, I will be here as long as I possibly can!! Thank you again
  15. I am considering getting my ham license but with the stage 4 brain cancer, I find it difficult to remember many things! I am getting better due to treatment with immunotherapy Once a month. But not much I can pass a ham license test even if I study for a long time! The GMRS is simple. I am still learning what the acronyms mean but I will learn! Thanks for your comment
  16. Cool, my intentions are using it with my grandchildren and family while hiking and camping, I enjoy the outdoors always have . I use the be in a search and rescue team , tracking and rescuing lost people. I was an EMT as well for 17 years. I am now 61 with stage four brain cancer and trying to enjoy the time I have with my family and grandkids
  17. I unstudied it was something to enjoy taking with others and have a way to contact people when SHTF or any other emergency! I am looking forward to talking to people and sharing things going on in my area and letting others know if bad weather or other emergencies are heading their way. What do you use it for? I assume it can be used in a business if you so desire!
  18. Good!! Thank you very much, I am extremely new to this hobby!!! But everyone on here seems to be very respectful and gives honest feedback, I like that. I am happy I got my GMRS license and looking forward to enjoying this hobby with others!
  19. Well I checked several radios and I decided on this radio! I hope I made the right decision!!! I watched several videos on YouTube and this one had a lot more positive reviews than most. It seems to be able to withstand moisture not surmising which I don’t have any desire to put it under water. I sent it to my son and daughter, they have purchased it for me! It will be here in a week or less. Anyway please let me know what you think!!
  20. Thank you very much, I will watch the video or videos
  21. Has anyone used this radio, if so do you know how well they work and if they are waterproof or ( water resistant) ! My family wants to buy me a quality radio for my late Father’s Day gift and my new hobby! I have been reading what I can find on them and from what I have read they are reliable radios!! I have not seen anything in the reviews about waterproof or how water resist they are! Any suggestions or input will be greatly appreciated.
  22. Thank you , I will check them out!
  23. Thank you very much!! The screen in sun light will not bother me I don’t think, I just wanted an opinion from others before I bought them . I love to go hiking and camping with my grandchildren. Sometimes it rains . Thank you again
  24. I am looking for a GMRS radio that is waterproof ! Amazon has them a set of two for just over $110.00 . I can anyone tell me if they have any information on how reliable the radios are. The cost is fantastic, that is if they are reliable and waterproof! Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
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