I bought a couple TK-880-1 v2 radio a couple years ago and they've been sitting after we moved. I finally got to programming them and I'm having issues transmitting and keying up a repeater. I can run simplex decently except 1 radio as soon as I try to transmit on gmrs 1 (1-1) it changes channels to grms 2 (1-2). Simplex is group 1, open repeaters are group 2 and my programmed repeaters are group 3. As I transmit on the higher simplex frequencies I'm getting a static like sound too on both radios. I grabbed a new Retevis mic from Amazon just in case it was a mic issue and it produces a clicking type sounds when transmitting on the upper channels. I'm beginning to wonder if these units have issues. Using the same antenna with my btech gmrs-v1 handhelds I can key up the repeater, but get no audio so the antenna works as far as I know. The gmrs-v1 may just be too low power to get audio out. And there aren't any other repeaters in my area that look close enough to hit. I'm about ready to buy a btech gmrs mobile radio and give up on these 2. Happy to share my codeplug or if someone has one I can double check mine against that would be great.