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  1. oh disregard that last comment. i need to specify rx GMRS because i very well could have been asking about receiving anything since i was soley asking about receiving. i didn't pick up on why you asked before
  2. which bands? i think I'm confused. isn't gmrs all found within a single band? its all UHF 462-468MHZ. 64cm? 65cm? something like that? I'm used to hearing about choosing bands from HAMs and i had to calculate the wavelength just now to even answer
  3. the seller didnt really seem to believe me. tested my radio when i sent it back and said everything worked fine. i tried all kinds of different antennas but just could get the thing to receive as well as my VCCRs (Very Cheap)
  4. Amazing. These have been the most straightforward radios I've used. Firmware updates were quick and painless. I used powertune to get the 50w channels at max power on the H8. Programing with chirp was flawless and i've changed setting with bluetooth many times in the field as well as saved configurations from chirp into the app. I have no clue how these are getting bricked by firmware updates. I also see people who cant get various things to work with retevis radios in windows 11 but I have no issues. Is my computer just super radio friendly?
  5. I had some issues with some channels that I was programing somehow becoming RX only even though they were GMRS frequencies. trying to set some shortcuts to tones and repeaters I frequently use with people and so I just normalized it and now I never have the RX only problem. ...this was in the upper channels past 100 etc.
  6. I had the HD2 and returned it. The HA1G is based off the HD1. I instead got the RA89. It's IP68 which is a higher IP rating than I've ever seen on a radio. I saw a review where a guy kicked it around a beach into the water, left it there and then drove over it with his bronco. the screen got messed up when he drove over it. everything else worked perfectly. I'm still trying to decide on a wouxun ht to try but the RA89 has been a great radio for me. Signal sticks and super sticks for antennas so far.
  7. Ill probably use two radios with a repeater cable to their speakermic connections. but this simplex repeater with a radio that has a dcs tone for rx and a ctss for tx, for example. you transmit to it with the dcs and set your radio to only receive with the ctss, set your radio to for bid tx when busy....and then the only echo you ever hear is your own tx.. also a dual watch radio could literally listen to the repeater tx and have it set to vox tx on the other freq. it would just be a delayed repeater. sounds kinda bad and youd have to tx sparingly
  8. I also noticed my kg q10h reception being noisy and positionally picky. TIDRADIOs just work, but the wouxun is a frizzled weirdo. is it that the superhet is so good that it picks up more interference? i hope not. is it that the tidradio software is effectively selecting better than the wouxun? maybe the way the hardware is inplemented matters more than superhet/SOC hardware. im interested in if wouxuns chip radios (935g) have the same issue
  9. if I wanted to hear the best, the furthest, the most isolated, and clear with an ht using a 1/4 wave antenna, what would i get? under $300
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