I ran with a crowd using CB back in my teens. Have a friend who is into Ham Radio and wanted to get a license but back then they still required Morse code for the test and I wasn't so good at it. Later in my early 20's I worked at a local FM/AM radio station as a overnight board op for a few years. I ironically got the job because I knew more about radio that the other applicants. I recently was browsing at a local liquidation store that carries Amazon returns and found a Baofeng GM-15 Pro for $8 and a Baofeng UV-21R the next day for $6. I figured since I had 2 radios that use GMRS frequencies I should apply for a GMRS license so my girlfriend and I could communicate on camping trips while driving or hiking in areas with no cell reception. I'm going to look into getting a Ham license next since the requirements have relaxed in the last 30 some odd years since I was first interested in getting one.