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Everything posted by KevinJ

  1. Gonna have to second and third that! I absolutely enjoy his content, because I'm a human who knows how to laugh, even at myself! Give him a few views at least!
  2. I won't tell you because I don't have much experience yet with gmrs mobiles, but I have two ra87s I'm setting up as a local private repeater (at first) and although I haven't used them I was pleasantly surprised with the quality and feel you get for the price, you can buy the repeater "core" set, just two mobiles and the data cable, usually on eBay for about 300 bucks! But I really want to get my hands on a couple few(or more) of the wouxun kg1000g plus mobiles. There are quite a few more affordable than the kg but I hear it's the "creme de la creme" of gmrs mobile units. I just never, NEVER see them on sale like I see almost all the other brands on sale.
  3. I have noticed this, several sites list a later this month date for next shipping batch, but they all do seem to be purchasable/backorder-able as they still have a clickable add to cart button.
  4. so if this happens is the unit junk? or is it serviceable/repairable? Should I check it periodically when I get it all together and running? Or is it something that I will know because it just stops working or works very poorly? Mine is a Jiesai?(weird label design) model SGQ-450K strait outta Guangzhou CHYNA
  5. Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a good evening after a good day! I have been looking for a few weeks now and googling and searching the interwebz, and I can not find information on duplexer mounting do's and don'ts. I want to know what options I have for mounting/securing my duplexer. I will use two ra87s in a powered desktop cabinet made for them that comes as a kit. But how far apart should the duplexer be from any electrical devices including the radios? Do I mount it vertically or should it be lying down? I read somewhere that changing their orientation from how it was sitting when tuned can cause them to change their tune slightly. It is an 8-cavity cheap Chinese notch style. I was either going to make a stand and mount it vertically above and behind the radio set, or possibly make a small cover-like shelf and then bolt the duplexer to it in a flat horizontal position either on the top or even upside down underneath the top of said cover/cabinet. I am just trying to reduce any interference it may get from household items and appliances as well as making sure I don't accidentally mess the thing up and have to get it re-tuned or replaced.
  6. I wanted to thank all who replied or even viewed this thread, due to the fact I rent and all other things considered, I am more than likely going to use a non-penetrating type roof mount. They are not expensive, I can easily get one onto the garage roof, and I'm certain I am resourceful enough to build my own and maybe even improve upon the simpler designs I have seen. I will keep all the information I have been privy to hear today! Thanks again to all! God bless and have a wonderful day!
  7. Thanks for the heads up, that's actually what I was thinking after I zoomed into the photo on my phone after making this post. I may have to go with some sort of weighted non penetrating mount, something like the Baird's. I could easily place one on the garage or porch roofs without even needing ladders. Alternatively I see a wall mount Baird makes that I could bolt to the side of the garage, whatever option I choose I am trying my hardest to get the base of the antenna at least level with the top of the peak of the house or preferably a few feet higher, while doing the least amount of permanent modifications or damage to the house as I do rent not own.
  8. That is a magnificent mast friend! How tall is that mast w/o the antenna? How much does that weigh combined? is it guyed? (it doesn't appear to be in the photo but want to be sure). Is there a way to test or verify what I can mount to my chimney? The last question, Did you ask yourself any of these things first or did you just choose a mount, a mast length and then got er did? A BIG QUESTION TO ALL: Should I have it grounded for lighting?
  9. I have seen some chimney mounts that are really catching my eye, probably be easier over all to get up there and do that myself vs needing to rent or hire a bucket truck. If I put the mount just below the pitch(point?) on the gable(side of house?) it would be about 6 ft above the lines plus any mast height, but using a penetration less weighted roof stand or a chimney mount seems to be the best options so far.
  10. To be clear, when I say J pole, I am referring to the mount style/system, NOT the antenna type. J poles or just J mounts are the ones the dish TV companies use to attach the tiny dishes to the sides of structures and stuff. One of the antennas I was looking into is this one in the video below.
  11. Well my neighbors a few houses down have what I believe is a 40 footer that is standing unused. I wanted to ask them if they would be interested in having it removed, but my issue with that is I don't know who to find to put it up here, especially when it will have to be put up between the lines and the house. A j pole sounds best and easiest to keep it on my side of the duplex I live in. Has anyone ever mounted a J pole with masonry hardware to a chimney? If I use the side, I will have to mount it in a way that clears the over hang. The antenna I wanted to pick up is made by a guy named Steve(?memory) he posted a video about the best antenna(?memory again) and he sells them, he goes over a lot of tests and it seems a very legit antenna to use and not very expensive at around 130ish.
  12. I've seen those used, and was definitely a thought. My biggest concern is whichever I use, is how I'm gonna get the blasted thing up there. Those lines are not even more than 3 ft or so from the side of the house. Real tight work area. My one idea so far is a boom style lift or bucket truck to lift over the lines and attach it to the very tip. I seen a j pole style that's about 4 ft long. Thanks for the info! My uncle has one of those dish mounts he said I could have!
  13. Okay, so I need advice on where and what method(s) I have available. I've looked around and seen to see some roof mounts that work, but not sure. I will post a photo of my apartment/house so you all can advise. I would like to be able to clear the trees but if I cannot, just as long as I can get it above the roof, I will be happy! ADDED FOR CLARITY:Below is a link to the type of mount I am speaking of when I say J pole/J mount. Like this.... https://www.amazon.com/Skywalker-Outdoor-One-Piece-Mounting-Diameter/dp/B01MSFGZIW/ref=asc_df_B01MSFGZIW?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=80814156492394&hvnetw=o&hvqmt=e&hvbmt=be&hvdev=c&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584413735935415&th=1
  14. same here, requested 4 nearest me when I joined, but only 1 has responded at all, basically just use it if it's listed as open and the tones are there to access it, just announce yourself and thank them for the use, it usually goes well.
  15. As a member of not just the radio/coms hobby/community, but also the guns and cars hobby/communities, I gave this line a standing ovation and IMHO am dubbing it "Best quote I have ever read on an internet forum to date"
  16. The best answer I have received on this question is, if the tones are listed, and it's set to open, it's almost always a go-ahead, but never hurts to ask or give thanks when using the repeater. As I was told when I asked most people tend to want you to use their repeater if its status is open with the tones listed. I did just that, I programmed my handheld, and the next time I was near enough, I announced myself and asked for a radio/mic check and also thanked the owner of the system. Have not had any problems or anything as of yet.
  17. Also, I just had the thought on this bold statement, I did check when I got home that day, and that specific repeater was set to cross on my radio, and that is not how it is supposed to be, I have it set to tone right now, but I believe it is a TSQL setup, I am just using the tone at the moment to allow anything through on the receive. I am just waiting to drive back out that way and kinda forgot and missed my chance today as I went to Muncie.
  18. I understand, to fill in some blanks, I know I was well within the range of the repeater, I don't know the exact distance, But I would say I was within a couple of miles of it for sure. Also, my wife was next to me, with a handheld. Not at home. If my description sounded like that, it was not intended Someone told me it may just be we are too close, and it's too much power. I believe the same thing happened today on the Muncie repeater, she could hear everyone talking as I could, but in the same vehicle, she couldn't hear me, but heard the key up and tail kick. although, I was driving and I didn't personally check her radio to make sure it was actually even turned up.
  19. I think it was the tones, I remember looking over them and thinking it all looks the same, I went tone on all as opposed to tsql on the two that are listed as such, for troubleshooting purposes. I decided to upload the file from the radio to check it, and sure enough, that repeater somehow was set to cross. I reset it, and I will try again the next time I am out that way. Also, FWIW it was the rx tone that was set wrong when it got placed into cross mode, I think that might explain the repeater opening but no audio coming through like you said.
  20. I cant say the exact distance I was from the repeaters location, but is it still possible then I am far enough away that its just not getting out from the ground(or in a vehicle) with only 5 watts
  21. As the title states, I tried two newer repeaters today, I could hear traffic. As soon as I was in range, I keyed momentarlily to see if I got the kickback. It did, and came across my wife's handheld also, but when I spoke, I couldn't hear my voice through hers. No one ever acknowledged me, and even seem to take me as interference or dropped signal as when I would finish trying to call, they would already be talking as if I wasn't already transmitting. I tried the winchester and farmland repeaters and did them the same as I did the Muncie repeater that I definitely got it right as I have hit and made contacts multiple times now.
  22. I've had a slower day today, but I would imagine as with anything law/government, it gets quite entertaining!
  23. *Grabs popcorn and sits back*
  24. I can say this got me at first too, but I set all my repeater sets to tone, and today I did get my first hit once I was within range. It worked well, they said I came through "full quiet" or something like that where my voice was clear and no background noise. I have not went into the radio to review what it looks like in there, but I set the chirp just like those pics above show and it works like a charm. I can hear others talk on that repeater from my house, but my handheld doesn't have enough juice to reach out.
  25. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone! I had my first successful repeater hit today! I was on a BF UV-9G on the ground from Mt. Summit, IN, and hit the Muncie Repeater! HUZAHH!!!!!!
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