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  1. Yeah, not the case here, I was too far out or wasn't on the correct ctcss they let me know I wasnt hitting the repeater....
  2. Are there any users in Mass ? I was scanning today and came across a few guys talking and was trying to contact....Possibly using the repeater in Tiverton RI, just curious, I am in Taunton and was looking for other operators.
  3. I got sick of my video cassettes recorderer flashing me all the time, so i stabbed it in the eyes and now its flashlessy, as for what I meant by "desent" I just wanted a "radio" that would last longer than a couple of hours, I realize I should be more to the point next time, but I have a few things working against me, one being a Marine, I'm used to shiny things and noisy beeps, two, I take 9 medicines some for my heart and some for my cancer, so I get foggy braned sometimes....sorry for that one, and four, I ...uh....wait. I forgot. oh well mustnt been portant. but seriously, I do like my tid h3 and will probably grab another. I just thought there was maybe a better one to grab.....Thanks Rubi
  4. I have the Tidradio H3 and just grabbed a Talkpod, I really thought the Talkpod was gonna be a good radio, but I'll just give it to my grandson and use it a walkie. I want to grad a decent radio that is easy to figure out and program. Any suggestion? THANKS
  5. Thanks, that makes me feel less like an idiot......appreciate it....
  6. Thanks so much, I really do feel like a newb here.....I appreciate your help
  7. Some how I copied a repeater and put it on the map next to the real one. It is Norwell700 in Norwell Mass. I am so sorry this has happend, I'm embarrassed and I should be yelled at.....I feel like an idiot, and I have been suffering with strep for the last few days and do not know how I did this.........PLEASE HELP ME
  8. I should have mentioned, the chatter was between two gmrs radios, one licensed and the other my grandson.....but will use my call sign....thanks !!!
  9. Question, can I and is it ok to chat between radios on FRS channels, i.e. FRS Ch.1 I am using this for my grandson and me when we go fishing and can chat with each other. Also do I have to use my call sign? New to GMRS and want to keep it "legal" Thanks WSEA768
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