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Everything posted by WSDW477

  1. Thank you. I thought both Transmit and receive both had to be set for a simplex "privacy" channel but wasnt sure. As I stated in my original post, I know its not private. When you have 100- 300 people in multiple groups off-roading at 1 park, and each group wants to talk among themselves, it gets crazy on GMRS. I just want to block out noise from outside. REASON I ASKED, is my radio has an actual copy channel feature that according to Baofeng claims will find the channel AND the CTCSS or DCS code being used. My radio showed NONE instead. I wanted to figure out if its due to transmit not set up right, or the scanning radio doesn't do what they claim it does. ****AND as I stated in my original post, YES I KNOW ITS NOT PRIVATE. I just dont want our group to hear all the mess around us, I dont care if they listen to us.
  2. To keep it simple lets stay on the original question only ... lets not even worry about repeaters. As I stated, I understand digital vs analog, but my question is in regards to ONLY programing a group of radios. I set up T-CTCSS on a radio, and it didnt work. I was trying to determine if I needed to include Transmit & Receive both on same CTCSS code to make it work as a group PCode. Thats all. So using my example below........ Lets use a CTCSS 67.0 mhz for an example. Would it require on all radios to set the T-CTCSS only to 67.0 or both the T-CTCSS AND R-CTCSS on each since each radio would be transmit and receive? I tried T-CTCSS only and it didnt work. ......or would I only need to use R-CTCSS to filter out what that radio receives?
  3. Either I didnt explain well enough or your not understanding the question. I understand digital and analog and the difference and cant use both simultaneously. It more of a setting question on when to use the programing Transmit vs receive when it comes to either one of the 2 tones. Lets use a CTCSS 67.0 mhz for an example. Would it require on all radios to set the T-CTCSS only to 67.0 or both the T-CTCSS AND R-CTCSS on each since each radio would be transmit and receive? I understand using CTCSS for repeaters only needs the transmit to trigger the repeater. This is for the use of quieter squelch for the group.
  4. I understand on how ctcss basically works, but If I want to use either CTCSS or DCS for privacy (I know its not private) due to busy high traffic area, my radios (Baofeng UV-5G Plus) allow for both Transmit and receive settings. Which do I turn on? or both to quiet down the channels outside my group? I go off roading with a group and GMRS is used heavily at the 3000 acre park. (Menu Settings 10 = R-CTCSS, 11 = R-DCS, 12 = T-CTCSS, 13 =T-DCS) I hope I explained what Im trying to do well enough.
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