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  1. Don't forget to see if you spilled some on your keyboard.
  2. That's perzackly my experience. I paid the fee on Friday the 16th, looked up with my FTN on Sunday and voila! There it was! Still waiting for that email, though.
  3. Howdy from Oklahoma City. I'm a retired truck driver who has used CB radio (legally, of course) for decades. My adult son and I were recently discussing alternate communications for the day when internet and cell phones go dark. My investigations led me to the world of GMRS, something about which I knew nothing until a couple of weeks ago. I sent the FCC $35, and in return they kindly gave me a call sign (WSEG265). A pair of TidRadio TD-H3 GMRS hand held units arrived from Amazon five hours ago. So, here I am, starting from scratch and trying to learn whatever I can about this strange, new world.
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