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  1. Let me preface by saying I already know the general consensus on here regarding Midland products. That being said, I recently got an MXT275 to install in my truck. Most times when transmitting, ANY manipulation of the mic or mic chord results in unintelligible static on the receiving end. Also, when the built-in speaker in the mic itself is activated, it's beyond raspy/rattley. I'm thinking a bad mic chord or plug? Any thoughts?
  2. Thank you for the info. Checking my amazing return window now
  3. Let me add to the puzzle. I switch to the westher band, the automated voice comes across with no interference, but whenever the automated voice is talking it's got the same raspy effect. Similar to how a speaker would sound if it was blown.
  4. Thank you both for the replies. One question, I know the antenna needs a ground plane. It was my understanding that any METAL surface would work as a ground plane. Is the Aluminum hood not sufficient?
  5. I just installed an MXT275 in my Ford truck. Initially had terrible engine whining, so I re-wired the power supply directly to the battery and that seems to have solved that issue. Now I have a terrible "raspy" sounding static when receiving/transmitting. I've tried the 3db Ghost antenna as well as the 6db whip. It does seem to be worse when the truck is moving (i.e. increased engine speed). Antenna mount is clamped to the hood of the truck. This is an aluminum body truck, could that be the problem? Any ideas would be much appreciated
  6. UPDATE First of all, thank you all for the input and advice. Secondly, (and quite frustratingly), I have NO idea what I did differently or what changed, but I'm now hitting said repeater......repeatedly! I was able to get it from approx. 6.4 miles today (according to goog-lerf). And that is with the 5w handheld. I'm curious to see what happens with the 15w mobile next week. Thanks again to all
  7. I was able to get a more accurate repeater location from the owner. I think I'm still too far away with the handheld. Going to venture a little closer in the next couple of days and try again. Thanks all for your inpuy
  8. WRCP381 To be totally honest I don't know the exact location. Based on its location as shown on the myGMRS map, I should be within a couple miles of it with no real obstruction. But thinking about it now, I really can't say for sure.
  9. I was really really hoping you'd be one of the replies Randy. I've been DEEP into your videos since deciding to get into GMRS!! So I have semi-communicated with the repeater owner via the comment post section on his repeater page. Based on those correspondences, I'm fairly sure I have everything correct. I guess it certainly is possible that I'm still not in range. I'm pretty sure I'm getting a MXT275 mobile for my bday in 2 weeks. I'll try with it and see if the additional wattage reaches the repeater. Thanks for the reply!
  10. Hey all Very new to GMRS here and trying to figure things out. I have two (2) Midland GXT67 Pro handheld amd I'm trying to connect to a local repeater. I have the repeater function enabled. The repeater frequency is xxx.600 which corresponds to channel 17 (RPTR 17) on the Radio. The input/output tones of the repeater are listed as 141.3 hz. I set the TX Privacy Code on the radio as CTCSS 141.3, which in Midland language is CTCSS Code 22. I left the RX privacy code off. That all being said, I've tried transmitting WELL within range of the repeater and get nothing. No reply, no kerchunk, nothing. Also I should mention this particular repeater transmits a Morse Code identifier every 15 min and I have DO receive that. (Usually on regular channel 17) Am I missing something
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