I've searched other avenues (youtube, google, forums) for similar problems with channel groups on the GMRS-Pro but, not much out there. Heck I haven't found yet, a straight forward process for using the app to program the radio. I spent so time fooling around with the app this morning to recreate the issue of inadvertently overwriting channel groups and/or duplicate creation. I think I found out what happened in my case.
When the radio is connected to the phone app, there is an icon (looks like a flag) to the left of the radio icon. When you press it, a menu opens allowing you quick access to switch your custom channel groups, import channels from device (radio), and the always mysterious 'switch device region'. If you've created any custom groups, they will be shown here in 'switch device region' according to the channel group number, 2 through 6 you originally assigned them to. According to the BTEC manual, group 1 is reserved for the default GMRS channels group.
I'll cut to the chase, when I was in the mysterious switch device menu, I fat fingered an unused channel group which caused a mind wipe on the radio. I quickly went back in and selected one of my custom groups, which made the radio happy but...., the reserved default GMRS channels, which come with this nifty little radio were gone. As a bonus, if you keep playing with the ever mysterious 'switch device region' menu, you will end up with duplicates... well at least I did.
Sorry it's early in the morning, I hope you get my humor. Lesson learned, the very first thing you should do after connecting your radio to the GMRS-Pro app, is make a backup of the default GMRS channels (group 1) just in case.
Oh by the way, BTECH (Baofeng) is not very helpful. They keep asking me for videos.