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Everything posted by WSFC997

  1. Another DB20-G user here. Nice compact radio that will reach out as far as I need it to. Simple to program, once you figure out the Radioddity software, and is unlockable to use for other frequencies (if you have a HAM license) or just to open up ALL the slots for a buttload of repeaters if you go past the limit in the GMRS version of the software. WSFC997 Jeff
  2. The Pinal Peak repeater runs on 462.675. And, NOKONES, I did join the SWCRS group and now have the correct tones and PT-T ID configured. I'll try a radio check sometime today to ensure it's working. WSEZ903 if you want to join the link is at https://members.swcrs.org/ -- WSFC997 Jeff
  3. So, apparently I don't have the correct tones for Pinal... LOL. WSFC997 Jeff
  4. Scratch that... I didn't read that you're in Prescott. I was hoping to do the same with one of my kiddos that's up there currently as well. No good options to go from prescott to the valley. WSFC997 Jeff
  5. You should have pretty good coverage in Peoria from the Shaw Butte repeater. I can hit that one from my 25 watt mobile from way out in Gilbert. You're far closer to that one being in Peoria. I've heard the Sunday net check-in on the Pinal repeater but didn't chime in. I'm pretty sure I have the encode/decode tones right for that one. WSFC997 Jeff
  6. I bought the Radioddity DB20-G, during prime days, and then unlocked the frequencies using their own software, making it a DB20-GUV. I only did it to get around the 8 repeater channel limit on this thing. I have a ton of repeaters around here in the Phoenix area and 8 just ain't gonna cut it. No desire to transmit on any of the HAM frequencies... I'm still working on an antenna for the house (currently using a pizza pan with a cheap Bingfu magnetic mount UHF antenna) and I actually get better RX/TX when I'm in the car. Anyways, new to the site and new to GMRS, but not radios in general. Jeff Phoenix Area WSFC997
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