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Everything posted by Elmo777

  1. Congrats on being part of GMRS. With that said, the radios themselves can be frustrating at first to set up correctly. There are some great YouTube videos that explain this very well, check out (NotaRubicon) as well as some as well as others on youtube. if you feel like you have the frequencies and tones set up correctly drive to the repeater and key up, if you get a static back, your hitting the repeater. Chirp software is a great tool that makes setting things up easy if your radio is compatible. Good luck and most on here are a wealth of knowledge that are willing to help.
  2. yep, direct wiring is going to be your best bet.
  3. I'm eyeing that one as well for my truck also, waiting for it to go on sale then pulling the trigger.
  4. To add, it does not play well with chirp. If not for some of the members on here helping with that i would still be frustrated. Once i got it to shake hands with chirp it programmed fine.
  5. I was torn on this radio due to the price and some of the other issues they were having with it and almost went with the UV-5G Plus. In the end I decided to spend the extra Monies, crossed my fingers and eded up purchasing the KG-Q10g (it's notarubicons fault). I have owned and currently own some Boefengs and the Q-10 just seems to perform better, I have no problem hitting my loaded repeaters, sound quality is excellent and the feedback i get from others is that is comes through loud and clear on the transmission end. Build quality seems to be fairly stout overall, and the not removable antennae was actually not even glued on, so there is that as a plus. So far no regrets on this purchase.
  6. Thank you sir, i'll check that out.
  7. it would be just my luck i'd hit something critical in my F150.
  8. For me, as long as their are other options available with todays new products, i'll lean towards those first. With that said, nothing wrong with doing what you suggested, just not their yet!!! I am wondering if the mag mount would give the same type of performance of drilling a hole, don't know that answer to that yet.
  9. Ya, thats not an option for this truck. If it were an older truck i would consider that. I'll probably end u doing the magnet mount on the top by putting a large magnet under the interior roof liner and calling it good.
  10. I have done the coax under the door edge seal in the past, not a huge fan of it running across the roof, it works but not ideal. Leaning towards a solid mount somewhere on the truck, just need to find a spot that makes sense.
  11. Thanks for the advice, i'm thinking of passing on the radio. @socalgmrs had mentioned of installing an earth magnet under the roof liner and using the magnetic mount, i would have never even thought to do that so i may do that once i find the right set up. Appreciate the feedback and advice.
  12. Hi Paul, i can speak as a newbie to GMRS. When I set up my phone with repeaters and I use MyGMRS.com as my resource to do so, the repeaters list has a page that reads request access. Now as a newbie even though it says open, we are still asking for permission. I believe @socalsgmrs nailed it when he said GMRS has really taken off so more users are in my opinion doing the right thing and asking for access. probably annoying as heck to the owner of the repeater, one owner replied, if it's open you don't need to ask, enough said i got the hint.
  13. Bahaha, CCR is short for creedence clearwater revival, I just felt old!!!!
  14. I have the chance to pick up a new in the box Rugged GMR45 radio with a mag mount antennae for around $225. The only thing I know about this brand is what i've read. Can this radio be programmed easily with my local repeaters and how is this done, CHIRP, their software or manually on the radio? The mag mount antennae will be basically useless as my F150 is aluminum, YAE ME!!! With that said, what antennae set up would you recommend with this radio. The other radio I am considering is the Wouxun KG-1000K.
  15. Well it worked, so thank you all for replying.
  16. I'll give it a sot and see if that works. I loaded a few repeaters from our local areas here in WA state and got rid of the per loaded ones it came with. Thanks for the info,
  17. I drove to about five miles of one, and I key up wait for a response and nothing. I ws wondering if it was because in the menu under repeater it says off, i cant seem to change that.
  18. I Need some help, Been around 2 way radios most of my life new I am new to the world of GMRS. I recently bought a Wouxun KG-Q10G, I managed to get it to communicate with chirp. I loaded in some local repeaters but when I check the settings on the phone it says repeater, OFF. I cant change this to on or anything else, so I'm confused. Also, I am not able to hit any of the repeaters I have loaded. Any help would be appreciated.
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