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  1. I like the DB-25G concept, but I don’t recommend them. I have had 3 and all had some kind of issue/bug. I kept the least broken one with the closest power output to the advertised specs. I am thankful for Amazon’s easy returns/exchanges. The provided cables require old drivers (that Windows 11 constantly overrides). One of the units I returned would not work with CHIRP with their cable or a better quality BTECH cable. Around the time I was having that issue another user on here had the same problem. I think there is a bad batch out there.
  2. Unfortunately I don't think any amount of changing USB ports is going to resolve your problem. The ability to partially send/receive matches the one I returned. The other two (including the one I kept) have never had any issues communicating with CPS or CHIRP using the same computers, cables, port, ect.
  3. Yes. 2 out of the 3 would read and write with the CPS and CHIRP using the supplied cable and the BTECH cable.
  4. Following back up on this topic after doing a lot of troubleshooting with multiple DB25-Gs. They are know for outputting less than the advertised 25 watts (but your number seems lower than what I think is normal). I have tested two that settle in the ~16-17W range on high and one that tops out ~13-14W. Did the previous owner test the output before he flashed it? Each of the units I have received had some kind of issues (just made another post on that), so I started thinking it may not be related to opening the radio to the HAM bands?
  5. @AndyOnTheRadio BLUF: I have a unit with the same problem. See bold text below. I think Amazon has a bad batch of DB25-Gs (or they are all bad CCRs). I have experimented with three (two are on the way back to Amazon) and I do not recommend this model at this point. Unit 1: The unit continues to show a channel in the “receiving” color for a random amount of time after the incoming transmission has stopped. I was prepared for less than the advertised 25 watts, but this one quickly drops to around 14W while transmitting. Works fine with the CPS and CHIRP. Reseting the unit or flashing to default with the CPS does not make a difference. Unit 2: Power output is around what I expected (~16-17 watts), but a different bug with this one. The TX Power/Mic Volume display always shows 220-230 for the volume value. It should be 0 if you key the mic with a silent background. The actual transmit audio is fine/good reports from another station. Reseting the unit or flashing to default with the CPS does not make a difference. Unit 3: Requested as a replacement for one of the above units. Power output is around what I expected (~16-17 watts), but this one has multiple bugs. The unit has an issue communicating with the CPS and CHIRP. Attempting to write with the CPS causes the unit to crash/reboot shortly after the write starts. CHIRP cannot read the unit and shows the “short read of the block 0x0000” error. Connected to a BTECH 30A/13.8V power supply (confirmed output of 13.8v with multimeter) unit shows 12.5V when pressing number 0. Reseting the unit does not make a difference. Writing a full flash of the CPS defaults is not possible. I tried with both the included “junk” programming cable and a BTECH cable. Other things I have noticed: 1) The supplied programming cable is junk and likely uses counterfeit chips. The driver that installs automatically for Windows 11 will prevent the cable from being used. You can download an old driver, but Windows constantly replaces it (and there isn’t an easy was to stop that on consumer versions of Windows). I bought a BTECH cable that works fine. 2) The CPS defaults are different than the radio “Reset All” defaults. 3) One of the supplied t-connector to 12v outlets had a sloppy t-connector fit. If the t-connector was bumped in the right direction it could lose power. I like the concept of this radio. CHIRP compatibility was part of my deciding factor over what I think is the more popular and simple DB20. At this point I don’t have any confidence in receiving a radio that doesn’t have issues.
  6. The DB25-G CPS is here: https://radioddity.s3.amazonaws.com/Radioddity_DB25-G_GMRS_CPS_20220819.zip
  7. I was not making a statement on range. I am not going to get much out of my current antenna setup. I researched both radios and came to conclusion that both radios output about the same amount of watts (both less than advertised) and that wasn't a deciding factor for me.
  8. There is another 10% promotion you can check/add that applies in the cart at the end to bring the total to just under $92 right now. I am new to GMRS and picked one up a couple weeks ago. A big selling point for me was CHIRP compatibility (vs the DB20). The programming cable included with mine doesn’t play well with Windows 11. I had to download a different driver. Windows automatically updates/overrides the driver, so I reinstall before updating the radio. Better programming cables are available. My antenna is the limiting factor on performance for me right now. I can hit the local repeater on low power using a mag mount on a cookie sheet indoors, but I could also do that with a 5W HT with a Nagoya 771G.
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