Greetings, I hope you will find this topic valuable.
I, like few others want to know if help is out there should communication be non-existent via cellular or landline phone during a natural disaster resulting in an extended grid failure.
The scenario and my situation: I am unable to access the Vista Woods repeater due to various obstacles and obstructions from my home location near Ramoth Church but wish to attempt contact with others nearby should the situation arise that I cannot use my phone.
I am requesting that we establish Vista Woods Tac on simplex using the same receive frequency and tone; users could monitor this for distress calls. I hope others will benefit from a mesh network of simplex users within the undetermined coverage area perhaps from American Legion Road, Mountain View, Ramoth, Roseville, Garrisonville, Shelton Shop, and other nearby locations or within a set boundary. A relay from radio to radio could even prove essential for those without access to a phone network.
Opinions and input kindly appreciated!
- WSEM281