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  • Name
    Paul Schaeffer
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    St. Louis, MO

muddysamurai's Achievements

  1. I finally got through to the repeater successfully. At home my signal mush have been just enough to trigger it. I was able to have a conversation from the top of a hill 17 miles away with my 10 watt Baofeng HT, and also with my 25 watt mobile radio........Now to build and get an antenna on my roof!
  2. Yes, everything works together on simplex, with and without tones Yea the owner verified a couple days ago the tones were correct and the gentleman that could hear me trying told me the tones as well. I do have the TX tone set.
  3. I'm having problems it seems with voice transmission with a local repeater. the Repeater is about 17 miles from my house. I am using a Radioddity DB25-G and I have prorammed the 462.600 repeater into the radio with the correct offset and TX and RX tone of 141.3. Whenever I key up and speak my voice never breaks squelch on a HT nearby programmed the same way. However when I release the PTT button I will receive the squelch tail and roger beep on both my HT and the DB25-G. Thinking I was too far from the repeater I tried again only a couple miles away with the same results with both the HT and mobile radio. I have verified it is transmitting on 467.600 with the HT. I'm sure anyone listening thinks I'm just kerchunking the repeater but I am not! In fact tonight while I was trying manually input everything and test, someone did respond and asked If I was having trouble. Of course he couldn't hear me speak. So he said to key the mic twice If I could hear him, so I did and he responded that he heard the two key-up's. My Radios do not have a "Talk Around" feature either. I was able to hit another repeater in the area that was a couple miles further and got a response of a fair signal a couple weeks ago, but I have not been able to get a response lately. The picture shows my channel settings.
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