I'm having problems it seems with voice transmission with a local repeater. the Repeater is about 17 miles from my house. I am using a Radioddity DB25-G and I have prorammed the 462.600 repeater into the radio with the correct offset and TX and RX tone of 141.3. Whenever I key up and speak my voice never breaks squelch on a HT nearby programmed the same way. However when I release the PTT button I will receive the squelch tail and roger beep on both my HT and the DB25-G. Thinking I was too far from the repeater I tried again only a couple miles away with the same results with both the HT and mobile radio. I have verified it is transmitting on 467.600 with the HT.
I'm sure anyone listening thinks I'm just kerchunking the repeater but I am not! In fact tonight while I was trying manually input everything and test, someone did respond and asked If I was having trouble. Of course he couldn't hear me speak. So he said to key the mic twice If I could hear him, so I did and he responded that he heard the two key-up's. My Radios do not have a "Talk Around" feature either.
I was able to hit another repeater in the area that was a couple miles further and got a response of a fair signal a couple weeks ago, but I have not been able to get a response lately.
The picture shows my channel settings.