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Everything posted by russwbrill

  1. Talk Around: The talk around function sets the transmit and receive frequencies to the same frequency for communicating transceiver-to-transceiver. Schools out... NEXT!
  2. Yeah, and 99% of two-way folks know what "talking on the repeater output" means, it's also referred to as "Talk Around".... A.K.A. Simplex... Sheeeeshhh..
  3. Oh, I'm the Troll……. Blah, ha ha ha ha...….. Go to the corner and read some radio manuals, you'll figure it out...
  4. Really, that's news to me and lots of other radio folks.. The only way to be heard on the OUTPUT is to transmit on the Repeater INPUT, so NO SIMPLEX on the OUTPUTS, Are you SURE???. Oh this is getting funny and stupid at the same time... Sheesh
  5. "Considering I have spent the last 22 years as independent consultant for the US federal government (17+ for local government), specializing in providing emergency communications sustainment and restoration support to critical communications infrastructure, I am pretty sure I am a bit more in tune with what is happening in the industry, than what you are giving me credit for". Hmm, that might explain some things
  6. YOU Didn't read what I typed, let's try again.. "Hint: FRS Radios can now transmit on the Repeater Outputs!!! The FCC Folks know there are lots of Hams playing radio on GMRS, and trying to HOG spectrum.. GMRS is referred to as the "73 centimeter" ham band... NO One here is fooling anyone". Care to retract your previous statement???
  7. Next!!! Anyone else have comments for baby Russ
  8. Marc, I thought you were a little smarter than that... I never said I had insider information, the writing is on the wall, you just gotta open your eyes after you pull your head out of the sand Hint: FRS Radios can now transmit on the Repeater Outputs!!! The FCC Folks know there are lots of Hams playing radio on GMRS, and trying to HOG spectrum.. GMRS is referred to as the "73 centimeter" ham band... NO One here is fooling anyone.. 73, Russ
  9. I dumped the original post because everyone here seemed to be committed to Part 90 equipment... So why have a thread that discusses Part 95E equipment??? Again, some of the same actors hijacked the thread and went on to promote the "Commercial" only mindset... So yep, I didn't just take my ball, I'll took the whole playground
  10. Not really... These forums provide some laughs from time to time, and it's always the same actors.. Some call me a troll because I float some different ideas about the RF Spectrum... And as soon as I float something all the Nay Sayers come out of the woodwork. It's the same BULLS**T Mindset that said Ham Radio would become CB because of the No-Code License. Of course, they were wrong, there was an influx of some really nice people, it was refreshing and a lot nicer to hear decent people using the Spectrum instead of bunch of old crabs... As far as the GMRS crowd goes, there's changes coming like or not, you all dodged a regulatory bullet in 2017, but you're almost out of lives
  11. Unfortunately, it was the typical response that is given when someone is faced with change. Oh well, there are other things to pursue and expend energy on....
  12. Next time I will keep my ideas and opinions about GMRS to myself... If I have any brainstorms, I'll lobby my Congressional representatives along with the Commission to consider any ideas I may have...
  13. Next time I'll keep quiet, and let you regulars answer all Q's...… Me not smart enough
  14. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, please excuse me...….
  15. I'll second that... I believe ERP limits won't be necessary if Narrow Band standards are adopted...
  16. Idea flushed and pronounced "Dead"... 73, Russ
  17. I was???????????
  18. Well, I did just that.. The response I got was, "Sorry, we don't have any GMRS products at this time, maybe in the future"... So more people will have to bug them about a GMRS product line...
  19. It appears they ( ICOM ) use this model of radio for UHF CB down in Australia... It's the ICOM IC-410 PRO 80 channel UHF CB...
  20. I don't think it would take much to make this radio Part 95E compliant Icom IC-F6021-51 A little firmware modifications for the user interface, and away you go!!!! The Icom could be an Awesome GMRS Rig...
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