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Everything posted by russwbrill

  1. Here's a source for Mounts, Guy Wire, and Masts https://www.channelmaster.com/Installation_Accessories_s/359.htm Much better than chain link fence posts
  2. GMRS...……...
  3. It would just be for consistency and interoperability without channel gaps.. But LOW Power with a 0.5 Watt ERP, that's why the GMRS equipment would only be allowed 125 milliwatts of output...
  4. If a radio has an external antenna, the power would be lower on FRS channels, in most cases at a 125 milliwatts the ERP would not exceed 0.5 Watts...
  5. How do repeater owners feel about allowing GMRS equipment the ability to Transmit on channels 8 - 14 (FRS Low Power) with 125 Milliwatts (a little over 1/10 of watt) or less Narrow FM and external antennas.. The FRS channels would be great for vehicle to vehicle comms… Also, the GMRS radios would not have a channel gap.. Would interference to repeaters be a problem??? 73, Russ
  6. Of course there are other products (B-Tech) available with lots of features, but the quality seems VERY Low!!!
  7. Unfortunately, you really need a Mono-band antenna to get the most out of your height restricted situation. Hustler makes the G-6 ( Model G6-450-3 ) UHF Omni-directional antenna with 6 dbd of gain, If you can install the G-6 at your place, you might make up for the other stations lack of height above ground.. Also, low loss coax like LMR-400U and N-Connectors can go a long way in reducing signal loss.. Note: I noticed (after this post, duh..) in an earlier post you have installed a set of Yagi antennas to solve your problem. However, if you can accomplish the same results with a better Omni and better coax, you'll start to hear what you're missing with directional antennas.. Just my 2 cents... 73, Russ
  8. I don't think Midland has been selling too many CB's for a long time. The Export (Galaxy, Ranger, etc..) radios have dominated the 11 meter market for about 30 years... Wow, it doesn't seem that long ago that Radio Shack was the #1 place in America to purchase CB Gear, sheeeesh, seems like yesterday
  9. Hey Rich, Anything new with the added features in the next 12 months would be nice.. And that Q & A tells us Midland has been listening to their customers! 73, Russ
  10. Wrong thinking is punishable
  11. After seeing this https://midlandusa.com/midland-radio-signs-on-as-official-2020-communication-partner-of-jeep-jamboree-usa/ I have to agree with you Marc.... 73, Russ
  12. …….
  13. I've spent some time monitoring the lower GMRS channels (1 thru 7) in my area. I don't hear much personal communications going on, I hear warehouses, schools, and construction sites... Sounds like the new poor man's business band. And lots of Profanity, just like CB
  14. Here's a link to an SWR/Power meter that will help you test your antenna https://www.dxengineering.com/parts/dmn-sx40c The less reflected power you have the better... Good Luck, Russ
  15. Have you checked your antenna system and coax??? A poor antenna will cause all sorts of problems.. 73, Russ
  16. If all of GMRS went Narrow Band including Repeaters, would GMRS users benefit by getting more simplex/repeater pairs??? If yes, then why NOT???
  17. It sure helps to use Mozilla when posting to this Forum
  18. Almost forgot their website www.bridgecomsystems.com 73, Russ
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