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Everything posted by WSBY849

  1. The same purpose as any other GMRS or HAM radio club.
  2. WSEZ, if you are more concerned about a spelling error than the question itself and have nothing of value to offer a newcomer to the radio hobby, maybe you need to find a different hobby yourself instead of putting others down so you can feel superior.
  3. I see there is a club for the Front Range in Colorado, anyone thought about creating a club for the Western Slope?
  4. I am fairly new to GMRS, have only had my license for 6 months, and just set up a RA87 this weekend and been programming repeaters around my area with CHIRP. The radio seems pretty solid. Can't speak to durability-offroad use, as I am using as a base station in my home with the Retevis RA09 antenna currently mounted on a tripod on upstairs floor - HOA prevents having radio antennas above roofline but those unsightly dishes are everywhere... go figure.
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