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WSGF380's Achievements

  1. After all of the kind support, I believe that the repeater in question has been successfully programmed on my HT. Although I didn't get a human response after doing a radio check a few times, I did hear the squelch tail. So, a big thanks to Randy, Steve, and Sven!
  2. In that menu 12, I see 116I and 116N. Go with 116I (assuming the I is for input)?
  3. Ok, yes 462.600 corresponds to Channel #25. My problem, however, is with assignment of the input tone/Transmit Tone (116 DPL). I'm not seeing an option with those names or choices on my HT. Would you mind taking a peek at my menu settings and point out the error of my way? (see attached PDF). That would be awesome. Tidradio H8 menu options.pdf
  4. The Tidradio H8 Gen 2 is interesting for a couple of reasons, one of which is that it is a HAM radio as well as GMRS: the choice depends on how one turns it on. For details, please check out this Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSEh7L4QIgY
  5. Yet another NOOB here, asking for help on adding the one-and-only GMRS repeater in my area. Its an open system, and I already received permission from the owner. Please note: the repeater that I wish to add doesn't appear on the odMaster app. So, I'm asking for instructions (steps) on how to add the repeater info directly on the H8 face. Here is info from the repeater Owner: Frequency: 462.600 input tone: 116DPL output tone: 103.5 Hz Help is GREATLY appreciated! Gregg WSGF380 KE9CAS
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