TOTALLY wrong. Completely depends on the repeater owner and what they set. Many of our local repeaters have a dcs tone for in and a ctcss for out. Some of the others use digital only. So I wouldnt say most Maybe most of the ones you know of In your area.
What is a repeater kick back? Never heard of that and I use repeaters every day. Second I’m betting your tones are. It correct or your not close enough to the repeater. You wo t be heard on other radios u less the repeater gets your transmission.
It amazes me how the same question gets asked atleast every week. Does not one do research first? Does no one look into gmrs BEFORE getting a license? In the time it took to ask the question here, one could have done a google search and tried to help your self.
I carry my radio in my hand, pocket, belt clip, holster, cup holder, dash mount, saddle bag, charge cradle, ……The list goes on. But never found I could use the radio very well if it’s in a box or bag or put away in some way.
I’m gonna get run over and flammed but I use radios every day. All day 7days a week for 12 hrs a day. I had woxouns. They always get the worst signal reports. They are expensive and really have no better features then any one else. The big gimmick is mark from Huntington Beach califonia pre programs them with all kinds of useless frequencies that most people don’t need or want. To me woxouns are not worth the hype. Woxoun retivis radiotitty midland and rugged all belong in the dumpster. If you’re gonna spend $150 or so you can buy a kenwood or Motorola. If you want a sub $50 radio that does just as good or better there are many other options as well.
Now, some cross dresser ex hand model that calls him self queen will come out of his basement to yell at me and call me names. However I’m not the one making money from gmrs radios. I just use them all the time.
You just said off set is programmed so is it or not? How do you know you’re not hitting the repeater? How far away are you? What radio are you using? Do you have line of site? If your programmed right and your close enough your gonna hit it. For more help your gone have to post a screen shot of your set up.
I scan 1-22 and repeaters I use every day. I do t really scan anyway. I don’t do scan groups. I do however leave the radio on the 2 channels I use all day. 1 simplex and one repeater. Why any one needs to create multiple scan groups I don’t understand.
Gmrs scenario, you meet up with people to do an activity, you agree on a simplex with our with out tones and or a repeater. You proceed to do the activity. Thats it. That is gmrs. It’s not complicated at all. What are you scanning for? Randos on the highway with tones set? Construction sites with tones set? Or what else is so important that you need to listen to other randos radio traffic.
So I’m going to get blasted like I always do but the h3/h8 seam to have the worst reputation. And I tend to agree. On this site alone it seams weekly some has a big problem with one. Just take a look around. That weirdo dude that calls himself a queen always disagrees and recommends them all the time and therefore people keep buying them but I have seen in person about 1/2 of them are dead out of the box or close to it. After being in radios and using them every day all day long, talking to hundreds or people in real life and reading this and other sites it seams to me the H3 may be the worst hand held ever made. With the h8 right behind it(it’s just fatter so it can’t run as well) Tid, radioditty, retivis, midland and rugged should be looked at the the plague.
blast away people but take a good hard look at this site and the other gmrs and ham sites.
The antenna on the house will get you about 10x further than the hand held in your hand. So yes it’s worth it. A comet 712efc is a great antenna at 10’ tall and 9db gain. With a 4w ht mine easily does 100 miles. But like already said do you have people around you to talk to? Repeaters local? Do you have family and friends that you use gmrs with while doing an activity? What is your reason for getting into gmrs?
Have you tried to program on a computer? It’s a million times easier? Are you sure you are in gmrs frequencies? I’ve only used uv5r not G so I know things are different but I’ve never had or heard of this issue. Many people looove to do firmware updates (I never have) so maybe the G has an issue that needs to be upgraded.