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UncleYoda last won the day on November 1 2022

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  1. In my region (Southeast) that would be repeater input, with output on 444.3000. Maybe your region is backwards.
  2. It isn't true simultaneous receive. It's Dual Watch (Timed? Dual Receive), which alternates checking the two displayed frequencies. It's good enough for normal people and $30 radios.
  3. What type of antenna connection does the MU-5 have?
  4. You haven't said what radio or which software! Company software for UV-5G: Edit > DTMF One example (for a different radio, ham version) using Chirp:
  5. UV5R or similar model - have to use software (Chirp or manufacturer) to set the ID.
  6. Ignore the scofflaws here (this forum is full of them) - you do not have to justify following the regs. (Why on earth anyone would trust a utuber joker is beyond me.) Knowing the radio is capable of more is worthwhile for emergencies, but you're right that it's best to not transmit on the extra frequencies normally.
  7. Old UV-5Rs do scan for tone. Baofeng deliberately changed the firmware because some repeater owners complained that wasn't fair. My TYT TH-UV88 does too, menu SEEK 29 or 30.
  8. You did say "open" though, and and the frequency range specified in the instructions includes both. Open is widely used to mean more than just locked to one service. (Don't worry about how busy I am - I'm watching the show in DC.)
  9. Sorry, but you can't have both services on the radio at the same time if you want to follow the rules. There was some guy at FCC a few years ago who said even having the capability to transmit on both using VFO (like a typical open UV5R) violated the regs. I was surprised at that, but reprogrammed my radios, and bougght a GT-5R that was limited to ham. Never did find any final word on that.
  10. "NOBODY CARES" is not correct. It's a secondary offense, like being pulled over for speeding and then getting a ticket for not wearing a seat belt. And me and lots of other hams (and I assume some GMRS licensees) do try to follow the rules even when we don't like them regardless of whether we expect to be warned/fined.
  11. N9TAX does not recommend putting his roll-up ladder-line Slim-Jims inside of PVC pipe or even against anything. If you do it, do some before and after testing.
  12. Not only that but having a radio that can transmit on ham and GMRS is non-compliant. That's why I was referring to switching modes. I wish they would change their stance on that when we have both licenses, but that ain't gonna happen.
  13. I haven't switched my DB20-G out of GMRS mode yet, so I should only need to read from my radio if I get the RT software. But wouldn't the default (factory) channels automatically be restored when resetting back to GMRS mode? I know any extra channels I had added would be gone and having a backup of that would be the reason for using the software, whether it's the RT Systems or Radioddity program.
  14. I'm assuming you didn't try it in GMRS mode. It seems like it would be most useful for people switching back and forth which requires reloading all the channels.
  15. TYT TH-UV88 is a ham version of the same radio hardware-wise. TYT is an actual manufacturer unlike Radioddity.
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