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Everything posted by Glider

  1. I run both MURS and GMRS. I run the following: Base Station: Comet GP-9NC Dual Band VHF/UHF 153-157/460-470MHz High Gain Radio Base Antenna Mobile: Larsen NMO150/450/758 Mobile Antenna Tri-Band 150-165,450-470,700/800MHz HT: TERA TR-505 with Stock Antenna
  2. Can you make the myGMRS.com logo at the top of https://mygmrs.com/ https://forums.mygmrs.com/ https://shop.mygmrs.com/ a direct link back to the main site (myGMRS.com) from all of these? Sorry if I am missing something as I am not computer literate and lucky I got this far. Glider
  3. Yes was replying to the OP as I too have a RAM Power Wagon.
  4. Love the Power Wagons . . .
  5. Hey SteveC7010 - I've been to Northville before. When I worked in Lake George and lived in Warrensburg my buddy brought me there to fish. Small world. I live in Florida now. axorlov, Corey and SteveC7010 - Thanks for the info and link. Took a practice test and for sure need to study as I didn't do very well but that didn't surprise me. Time for this old dog to go back to school - LOL
  6. Hey just because I lost on "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" doesn't mean, well, maybe it does. - LOL Just a little joke there. Like I said, I looked into a HAM Ticket back in the 80's, so I guess I am very outdated. The CW was always my biggest problem as I would sit with my neighbor who was a HAM guy, made all his own antennas some out of really weird stuff (some would consider trash). He could CW like crazy and would often have entire conversations that way - honestly it scared me away. I will look into the test requirements as indeed this may now be a solution to the problem. Thanks berkinet and Downs - Really like the way members help out here instead of just beating people up like on other boards.
  7. Agreed but I don't know Ohm's Law, how to do Morse Code or much technical about radios. I have been around CB's a lot even remember old issued call sign back when they did that. I looked into HAM back in the 80's but just didn't get all of it and would have never passed the CW test. Guess this is why the GMRS appealed to me when they made the license just a pay to play. I do think 2 meter would be fun though. I agree that the downside of asking first is once they have officially said no, you are totally out of luck. I have had a 30' tower up for 14 years with no issue but due to some construction had to take it down this morning. It will go back up but thought if I could I might just go to 50' but then may be questioned.
  8. So my cities ordnance stats this: http://library.amlegal.com/alp_templates/images/ui-bookmark.gif§ 186.04 EXCEPTIONS. The following exceptions to complying with the requirements of this chapter shall be permitted: (A) Any communication tower or antenna that is owned and operated by a federally licensed amateur radio operator. Does anyone know IF or where I can find IF an issued GMRS License meets this requirement or is considered to meet this? My thought is that the answer will most likely be NO but one can hope. Trying to see if there is anything out there prior to having this discussion with my non tower friendly city.
  9. Glider


    Welcome from Florida. These folks here have helped me immensely and I am learning everyday from them. Unfortunately for them I have a tone more questions LOL. Enjoy
  10. My last trip cross country reinforced that CB is not anywhere near as popular as in the 70's and 80's. We still use them routinely while 4x4ing along with GMRS. I have had good luck and am very pleased with the Stryker SR-A 10 antenna which is a base loaded antenna. Outperformed the Wilson 5000 in my case. I can get 10 miles pretty easily with a legal CB, maybe because it is so dead around here. Around town here though the whip on the SR-A 10 which is the same as the Wilson 1000 & 5000 in length hit every drive through and tree hanging over the roads in my neighborhood and why I use the 36" short load whip. Although CB is not as busy as before I still find it useful while traveling cross country which we do every summer. Still trying to figure out the order and thinking I will center the CB antenna and then put the GMRS antenna halfway between the CB antenna and the rear of the cab of the truck. Think this will work out OK? Any reasons why I shouldn't?
  11. So, going to bite the bullet and do my own antenna install and figured I might as well do a permanent install of BOTH my GMRS NMO roof mount and CB Roof Mount antennas and get rid of the magnet mounts. I have a 2018 Ram 2500 Power Wagon Crew Cab truck. I do not have a sunroof so have basically the entire roof for antenna install. For the CB I plan to use BOTH a 66” whip and/or a 36” short load whip (depending on traveling cross country vs 4x4ing etc., etc. For the GMRS I plan to use both a 5/8 over 5/8 wave at 33” and a ¼ wave at 6”, again dependent on where I am driving. Most the time, daily routine driving will use the 36” CB antenna and the 6” ¼ wave GMRS antenna. So, what would be the best placement for these antenna’s? I am thinking down the middle rather than side by side. Should the CB antenna be centered on the roof left to right and front to back and then the GMRS centered left to right but closer to the rear? How far from the other antenna or the rear etc., etc.? Hopefully you get what I am asking. The truck is only a year old, so I really don’t want to mess this up and want to do it for the best possible performance results. Looking on line I see antenna’s being mounted all different way – sometimes do to sun/moon roofs which I DO NOT have so am fortunate there. Look forward to hearing from all of you and saving myself from the heartache of doing it wrong. Have no problems saying I don’t KNOW what to do and need some help. Thanks, Tim
  12. Thanks for all the info. Thinking maybe this repeater is no longer in service
  13. More good information - Love this place, so helpful. Thank You.
  14. Thank you for the help.
  15. Is there a way to confirm that your signal is reaching a repeater without someone replying to you ? Not sure I have everything programed and set correctly but also not sure this repeater is even still active.
  16. Thank you so much - There is a guy selling new Kenwood TK-8180H Frequency Range Type 2 - 400~470 MHz for a decent price with Laird NMO mount and some weird antenna for what seems to be a very fair price.
  17. Looking at the Kenwood TK-8180H radio. It lists: Frequency Range Type 1 - 450~512 MHzFrequency Range Type 2 - 400~470 MHzWhich one would I want/need for full GMRS access and repeaters? Sorry for the novice question.
  18. Welcome from another new guy from Florida.
  19. Welcome. I am new myself but have found those here to be very helpful and best of all this is a respectful and polite place. Actual adults.
  20. At Camp La-No-Che we used Motorola Mag One BPR40 4 watt UHF radios programed for GMRS channels. We were not able to talk to all locations from our camp sites. They were indeed usefull however and we were able to relay messages. We did not have a base station or antnenna tower. We did have a Dad who hooked up an antenna on top of his camper (think maybe he was using a ham radio) once and he was able to reach much farther than our handhelds. I am not knowledgeable about the technology but can attest to many families, troops and packs using FRS and GMRS at the camp. I think a system like you described would be a HUGE benefit, especially incases of emergency.
  21. marcspaz thank you for your reply, I must have an equipment issue as we were unable to get the 400 to work with the repeater. I can safely say that it can be and most likely is my lack of knowledge. I did seek assistance from others more knowledgeable than I still without luck. I am not certain that GMRS is the correct platform for me by any means as I know very little about it. For HF do I not need a HAM license along with each who use it? Line of sight is indeed an issue as our area if not homes are very tall trees, well over my 40’ tower. I thought being a personal base station primarily talking with mobile units that they could run 50 watts. I indeed have a lot to learn it would seem about GMRS, radios, coax and the rules.
  22. Need some help from you good folks here. First, yes, I have my GMRS License as do my friends and other family BUT I know next to nothing about radios. USE: Moved away from CB Radio and want to upgrade my GMRS equipment for better performance and distance – HOPEFULLY. We use GMRS in our Vehicles, Home, Boats and Handhelds. Using PRIMARILY for family communications. Vehicles: usually never more than 30 miles, normally 10 to 15 miles. Daily travel and 4X4ing. Homes/Base Stations: average 10 miles. Boats: Using handheld units to talk with vehicles other boats and family camping and hanging out on islands sunbathing while we are out fishing. Handheld Units: used to communicate while walking, camping, boating and when visiting theme parks etc. Would like radios and antenna’s that could do this directly without use of a repeater but also be able to use the repeater as well. This all started as a result of needing something easy and not requiring testing for every user (like HAM) but something hopefully better than CB without those inherent issues and problems. Purchased the Midland MXT 400 it has worked OK for short distance stuff (probably because I only have one 40 watt radio). I do have potential access to 2 repeaters in my area but they are wide band repeaters not narrow so the MXT 400 won’t work with them. SO, I would like to slowly build our GMRS radios with QUALITY equipment that can operate as far as possible by themselves and eventually and if needed access the local repeaters as well. I will want to set up a Base Station at my house and one for my folks at their house (my buddies can do their own but also looking for suggestions). I have three vehicles I would like to install radios in as well. For the Base Station I also want a high-quality antenna (one will go on a 40’ tower and one on a 30’ pushup pole.) and want to use quality coax but not sure if these can use the coax I have for the CB Base station. Presently running RG400 and LMR400.) I want to use through roof solid installs or permanent NMO mount antennas. Someone told me to use one or a type that started with an L – something like LUND, LAIRD, LARSEN or something said they worked great on their county and police vehicles. So here is my - Present GMRS capable equipment: · Midland MXT 400 · Cobra MR HH450 DUAL – GMRS, MARINE, WEATHER · Standard Horizon HX471S – FRS, Marine, MURS, FM, AM, AIR, MARINE · Midland GXT1000 · 4’ Base Antenna · Mag Mount Mobile Antenna But am wanting to purchase (QULAITY GMRS equipment) and need recommendations for: · GMRS Mobile Radio (for vehicles) – I think 50 watts is max and, well, why not. · Mobile Antenna (permanent NMO mount) · GMRS Base Radio (can use a mobile with power supply) - I think 50 watts is max and, well, why not. · GMRS Base Antenna · COAX for Base Antenna Think for starting out I would like to keep radios around the $200 to $400 range per radio. Willing to spend what it takes for a good base antenna. Mobile antenna’s not even sure of my options. So SUGGESTIONS ??? Glider /TimD WQYV590
  23. Glider


  24. Glider


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