I have been immersed in research on a proper "base station" antenna, to be located in the roof of my two story home in the mountains of New Mexico. I've been so obsessed with researching this particular piece of equipment, and rightfully so in my mind, that my wife is becoming increasingly annoyed with my preoccupation.
That being said, after all of the posts, reviews, and opinions that I've read, I'm still confused, and I apologize in advance for the repetitive question.
I live at almost 6,500 ft, surrounded by some hilly and even some mountainous areas, with the trails and roads being surrounded by various trees like pinon, juniper, and even some ponderosa pine in the higher areas. The house sits in a valley of sorts, with increasing elevation to the north, a large mountain to the west, rolling hills to the east, and a descending 15 mile LOS to the mountain range to the south.
My rooftop mount will clear anything within a 300-yard radius, so I'm not concerned about the area around me, but I have several handhelds that will be used on trails going up north, east, and south of the home.
I've that lower decibels on antennas in this type of area seem to be better for mobile units, but my question is about the base station. Should I get a 3 decibel or 6 decibel antenna for this situation? There is a repeater about 10 miles south, with a decent line of site, but I'm not too concerned with that - more wanting to reach our mobile units and handhelds (once I install mobiles) when they're out in various areas. Feel free to give me any antenna suggestions as well (under $200)! I was considering the Browning 6143 (3db).
Thanks for any advice in advance!