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About WSGJ850

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  1. Use this area for things that don't fit into the other topics. A general, catch-all.
  2. Some of us are old radio buffs and some of us are just getting started. Do you have questions about GMRS or in radio, in general? Unlike many of the Facebook groups, this is a place you can ask any radio-related question without negative retorts. Ask away, we're here together to grow and learn.
  3. That's not far, at all. Not on the bike
  4. Ya know, we're not that far apart. If you're planning on doing this in the spring or summer, I wouldn't mind taking a ride over and giving you a hand.
  5. This was my first headliner. I found a guy on youtube who "de-policify's" (his term) interceptors. I've spoken with him on the phone and that really boosted my confidence. I used to install radios, C.B.'s, etc, back in the 70's and 80's, and it was a totally different animal back then. Now, the headliner is one piece and solid, instead of a glued on fabric. Just had to remove the pillar coverings, which are snapped in, and the whole thing just fell down! Easy peasy.
  6. I just installed a dual band Alinco DR-735T, in the Ford Police Interceptor. I used a Bulletpoint mounting system, which greatly speed up the install. On the roof, I installed a small 3" stubby antenna. I was able to hit our local repeater with a strong signal, about 35 miles away. Quite a lengthy install. Took the headliner down and dismantled the center console to run wires. Not my first install, by any means, but still quite a process to get it to the factory look.
  7. This is a rapidly growing hobby and it's always interesting to see other's setup's. Show off your stuff and discuss your plans and dreams for your radio empire.
  8. Great to have you here! GMRS is a great place to start you comms journey. Back in my day, it was CB (which is making a comeback but I like GMRS more). I've had my ham license since the 90's and, while it's much more on the technical side of things, it also gives you a lot of capability. There's tv transmission, data, all sorts of things you can do. So, while you're getting your feet wet here, I encourage you to get into ham, as well.
  9. I'll start. I live in the middle of nowhere so I really don't hear anyone on our radios, when we're home. That being said, I have a couple handhelds and a mobile, and don't expect to hear anyone. However, there's a very good repeater in the Livingston area, located high up on a mountain with all of the county equipment. I'll be installing a base antenna with another radio and will be able to hit the repeater. At that time, I expect to have qso's with other users. When I'm on the road, I've made contact with a couple people, on that machine.
  10. It's fun to follow the growth of GMRS. Do you hear much on the radio, in your area?
  11. Welcome, to the group!
  12. No kidding! We go there every Sunday for breakfast. They have a piece of my artwork on the wall, too. Meet us there! 0900 ish.
  13. I forgot to say where I am! Old brain gets a little foggy, now and then. My wife and I live about 14 miles NW of Wilsall. Never heard of it? OK, how about, 45 miles NE of Bozeman? We're currently using a couple Baofeng UV-5G Plus radios and will soon add a mobile to each vehicle. We're also setting up a community comm net, with several of our neighbors. We live far enough apart, and far enough from any services that the radios will bring us closer together and make it easier to ask for a hand or a cup of sugar.
  14. It's always interesting to see where like-minded people are. Tell everyone what part of the state you're in and if you use a local repeater. I'm sure people would be interested in the equipment you use, too.
  15. I did but there's nothing there.
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