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  1. I recently set up this in my car plugging into cigarette adapter. With car running voltage on transceiver shows 14.1 volts. When i shut engine off it drops down to 12 volts and after a few minutes there is not enough power to transmit. Battery is only a year or so old; wondering if this is normal and if I wiring directly to battery might not be better?
  2. Thanks to everyone for their help; I should have realized the answer was in the programming software.
  3. My DB20-g menu has switched to Chinese; unfortunately I read only English?
  4. Thanks I have set up all repeaters even talked to a guy on one then i read where you have to have permission. I will just go back and see if its okay with them. Makes it easier I suppose if all repeaters are owned by same guy.
  5. Brand new GMRSer I have the understanding that you must get permission of owner to use repeater. There are six repeaters that I mar be able to reach; all owned by same gentleman. Do i just get on repeater and request that he give me permission?
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