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  1. My thanks to everyone who has assisted with unraveling this mystery. Just to dive a little deeper down the rabbit hole; I'm not sure that the CPS for the GM-30 and the GM-30 Plus are the same software. I am utilizing the OEM software from Radioddity website, for the GM-30 Plus - along with the cable supplied for this radio when purchased. After a lot more troubleshooting, I'm left thinking that there is some glitch between my PC (running current Win 10 OS, VPN, security suite, drivers, etc.) and the CPS / radio connection. Although everything looks good at the onset, something interrupts the connection leaving the CPS to fault / fail without reading from the radio. I've initiated a discussion with Radioddity's support staff but haven't discovered anything that would lead to correcting this issue - so far. Disappointing having a new radio and not being able to program it with the PC. I'll keep this thread updated if there is any further positive results. Thanks again for your time and suggestions.
  2. Does the radio CPS allow you to set a baud rate? I do not see any setting that allows shifting / selecting baud rate. One sure way to identify the correct port is to unplug the usb cable at the computer end while watching in Device Manager to see which com port disappears. Went at it a little differently - opened Device Mgr. (cable not plugged in) - both com ports greyed out. Plugged in cable - com port 3 lights up - checked CPS, com port 3 designated in port settings. Seems like the handshake between radio and the CPS is working as I can see a "program" icon on the radio screen when I initiate a "read" command from the CPS. Maybe time to chase this back through Radioddity.
  3. Device Manager indicates two comm ports - both of which I've used for these tests and the CPS seems to follow when I designate which comm port I've selected / connected the cable into. BTW these radios are brand new (to me) as is this attempted programming. They seem to work very well and, to this point, I'm pleased with them.
  4. Thanks Steve - I have been keeping pressure on the plug while turning the radio on and holding pressure during the attempt at running the CPS - since I'm seeing the "program" icon on the radio screen, I'm thinking that the plug connection is sound. I'm wondering if the programming cable (came with the radio) could be the culprit?
  5. Tried setting volume to midrange - same "failure" result.
  6. After downloading the Radioddity CPS for the GM-30 Plus and following the connection / power up protocol, the screen on the radio shows an icon and the word "program" while the software is attempting to read from the radio. Next the screen flashes and indicates "failure" and the connection on the radio screen goes blank. I've tried refreshing the CPS download and carefully installing the programming cable to make certain of the correct connection status but keep getting the same "failure" notice. Basically I'm stumped at this point and hoping that someone can lend some insight as to what I'm missing - it seems most everyone uses the Radioddity CPS without issue. I've gotta be doing something wrong, eh?
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