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Everything posted by Bobuff977

  1. I use the DB20-G and love it ease, I can take it with me either in my work van or my wife's Tahoe, just plug it in the cig lighter, pop up the mag mount and go and color screen it sweet. Its a great radio for the price and performance.
  2. I picked up a DB20-G from Radioddity a few weeks ago and was lost with the keys, menu etc.. Once I brought it in the radio room and set it up I found it is easy to us. The CHIRP programing is way easer to add channels and name them than trying to do it thu the radio keys. But other than that its seems to be a solid radio. I'm about 10 miles from my closest repeater and I'm able to reach it using a mobile antenna on a 8" pole. For my first GMRS radio I'm very happy with it.
  3. It like this, 99% of the time the person/s who rob homes already knows your routine. They are not following you on your trip waiting for your callsign. Like most everyone has said have a security systems, dog/s, light on a timer, home sitter etc.. I wouldn't worry about ones callsign to be something a burglar is waiting for to rob your home.
  4. Welcome
  5. Are you still active on St. Charles/575? I have just received my GMRS license and live in ST Peters by 70 & Mid Rivers.
  6. Hope things go well with your antenna placement. I use to have a CB base station in our last location but where I live now there is a HOA and we have restrictions on antennas. Not saying we cant have one just restricted to height. I'm waiting on my GMRS mobile I bought a few days ago. It's going in my work van for now BUT I WILL HAVE A BASE IN THE HOUSE SOON HOA! LOL
  7. St. Peters in St Charles county.
  8. Finally received my GMRS license and now ready for the world of MyGMRS.com. I have been playing around with a few HT's and find it interesting and very different from the old CB's world. I'm hoping to learn more about GMRS all the while finding new ways to communicate with-in GMRS bandwidth. Hello to everyone.
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