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Wlorch11 last won the day on February 8 2014

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About Wlorch11

  • Birthday 04/11/1954

Profile Information

  • Location
    watervliet ny
  • Interests
    gmrs and ham radio and computers

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  1. Thank you
  2. If I live in ohio with a gmrs license and move to Florida is my gmrs license still good or do I have to get a new license just change my address or do I need a new call. Wrkg887
  3. any on know of any companies that come to your home to setup your grms repeater for you and can network 3 or 4 more of your repeaters for you
  4. yes thank you for the info
  5. no sorry thank you
  6. how do i set the radio up to get a 467.700 input and a 462.700 output to go on a repeter thank you william lorch wqnn824
  7. thank you
  8. i would love to i could build my own but don`t have the finances right now thank you
  9. thank you very much
  10. anyone know of a good repeter in albany ny. thank you william lorch wqnn824
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