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  • Name
    Matthew Thomason
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  • Location
    Northern CA

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  1. I did download CHIRP and have a programming cable. I agree. I'm liking it so far, especially for the cost.
  2. Thank you guys for the replies and help. @SteveShannon I think you are right about not being able to transmit from frequency mode. I was pretty disappointed in the UV-5G, so decided to return them. Got the UV-5G plus today and they work as I expected and I'll be keeping those. Have a great rest of your weekend everyone!
  3. Okay, after having read the user manual yet again I have noticed that when in channel mode the CTCSS and DCS tones are not able to be altered. However, I still don't understand why I'm having the PTT issue when in frequency mode. If anyone can help with that, I'd be most appreciative. Otherwise, I'm sending these back.
  4. I recently bought the Baofeng UV-5G radios and am having a couple of issues. I've looked through forum topics and see where some people needed to do a firmware update, but these are brand new, so not sure they need that? My issues are: when is channel mode, I can change the CTCSS and DCS tones, but they will not save. Consequently, I can't communicate with my Rocky Talkie radios if we want to use privacy codes. Also, I can't connect to local repeaters either. When in frequency mode, I can change the CTCSS and DCS tones, and they will save. However, when I hit the PTT, nothing happens. I make sure the frequency is set to a correct GMRS channel, but again nothing happens when I hit the PTT. I've watched a bunch of NOTARUBICON's videos on youtube and saw where he got the UV-5X before and after the update. However, again, I'm not sure I need to do an update? If so, how do I go about doing that? I checked out the Baofeng website and saw there was a programming download, but wasn't sure that was it. Thanks, and appreciate any help I can get!
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