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JB007Rules last won the day on September 29 2020

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About JB007Rules

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    http://rugged575.com / http://crete600.com

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  1. LMAO! No dude, I mean not as far as line of site is concerned.... That website sucks and you shouldn't use it.... It doesn't take into consideration the curvature of the earth... Try https://ispdesign.ui.com/ instead I seriously wonder why anyone uses that website... Unless someone thinks the world is flat????
  2. Sorry, it's 120.42 miles to your location per your call sign, not 118. Where did I get that from? I mean, I used Google?... Here's a snip to your address.... You realize that RF travels in a straight line and doesn't follow roads right? I'm not making little that 120.42 miles is SUPER far for a GMRS repeater to travel, don't get me wrong, and that Baraboo repeater is a BEASTTTTTT... I'm merely correcting your inaccurate distance making it appear further than it really is is all. Thanks, ROB
  3. Hello community, This is a formal letter to inform everything that the Crete 600 GMRS repeater will be shut down some time between 11/1/2024 and 12/31/2024. Until then, you can continue to use the system as it sits. Between the FCC changing the rules to not allow GMRS repeater linking and the lack of funding to even cover tower rent to keep it on the air, combined with fact that this repeater isn't used much is what weighs in on this decision. This has been a hard decision to make but know that even though this GMRS system will be shut down, an even better system will be put in its place. As such, I encourage everyone to please email me regarding the new system that will be put in it's place. My email is my call sign @ Gmail: WRDU235@gmail.com I look forward to hearing from everyone interested in the new system over the next couple of months! Please also know that the Rugged 575 GMRS repeater is not going anywhere. Those of you that are within coverage of both of these 2 fantastic machines are encouraged to use the Rugged 575 as well. Thanks ROB - WRDU235
  4. That repeater is only about 118 miles from you, not 160 FYI and I frequently hear it in Montgomery, IL as well just south of you primarily during band openings. But yeah, use it! OffRoaderX is Randy from the "NotaRubicon" Youtube channel. He's a well known master troll! Seriously though, he's freaking hilarious and you should watch his videos and be amused!!!
  5. The Crete 600 is 310' feet tall and I'm on the very tip top extending up to 330' AGL. ASL is 825' at that site so it's quite a screamer to say the least. Easily 40-60+ miles of mobile coverage in all directions with HT coverage being 30+ miles all day. Coverage here: http://crete600.com/ Thanks!
  6. Quick update. From the time of posting until now, $552 in donations have been received, which yields $533.88 after fees. Tower rent is or course paid as of 10/31/2023 and the donation savings account is now at $364.68. Hopefully we can raise $1579.32 by 10/31/2024 to pay for another year! Over and out!
  7. Thanks Rich! We're at $537 additional now. Barely enough to cover rent payment though. I paid the bill so we're good. Now we have 11 months to come up with another $1944.... Thanks!
  8. Attention Midwest GMRS users, Tower rent is due for the Crete 600 tower on 10/31/2023 for a sum of $1584 for the year of 2023 ($132/month) which doesn't include the Verizon bill which is another $360/year ($30/month tax included on my grandfathered Verizon plan) totaling $1944. As of now I have a total amount $1408.89 in donations to pay for this rent leaving me at a negative $535.11. keep in mind that I've kept the donations in a high yield savings account as of April 2023 which has needed me an additional $25.35. Better than a stick in the eye I guess. $660 was covered and paid on 11/29/22 which was rent for August 2022 thru December 2022 - 5 months $1584 is for 12 months and while it's due on 10/31/23, rent is good through December 31st 2023 To cover rent through 12/31/2024, the total now increases to $2479.11. I've updated the Gofundme page to show a new goal of $4109 to reflect that. I was clear out of the gate that I put this repeater in for hobby use and I'm not within it's usable coverage footprint (which is quite massive) 99.99% of the time. As such, to keep it in the air, I'm encouraging everyone to donate here otherwise, if I cannot cover the operational costs, I have zero incentive to keep this repeater online. https://www.gofundme.com/f/crete-600-yearly-operation-costs Thanks everyone who has donated thus far! Here's to a great 2024! ROB - WRDU235
  9. Check this guy out: https://www.youtube.com/@LifeAtTerminalVelocity That's what I thought of after reading this post!! Thanks!
  10. I'm sending you a PM. I have a codeplug for a TKR-850 V2 which is set to work using the RTCM's from MicroNode International. That's all we use for the midwest network. Thanks!
  11. I have a DB-408b for my base station. 420 is better but it's YUGE!
  12. Negative. I have my own dedicated TX antenna. Up here, there are people using T-Band! (470+ Mhz)... 478.8625 and 481.8625.
  13. For the RX, the receiver multi-coupler is tuned to accept 460 - 470MHz. The repeater is a Quantar and has a preselector built in to accept 467.575. Thanks!
  14. I only use folded dipoles on my repeater systems and I find that 50' of vertical separation is good. So for my Rugged system, I have RX at the top at 300' extending to 320' the TX antenna is at 240' extending up to 250' My my 2 cents
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