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Everything posted by Coldwave

  1. Thank you! Yes, I’ve been in communication with Danny there. I wish Icom would bring back a modern day version of the IC-F21GM.
  2. Hey! Yeah, moving on to something different. No, I loved this radio. Oh, it’s been sold. So I guess I can delete this thread. Yeah, great radio. Just love my old school Icom IC-F21GM still.
  3. Like new, with leather case and extended battery with antenna and charger with manual. Also will throw in programming cable. $80 plus $6 shipping.
  4. Nice! That’s great. Yeah, liking the higher capacity battery and this case has stretched well and fits like a glove now makes it a little bulkier but in a good grippy way. Now on to find a even higher gain antenna. Well maybe, the stock antenna performs quite well. Hmm..
  5. Wow, long day! That’s great! So radio working good? Have you been able to contact anyone via repeater?
  6. Usually it’s CW Morse Code identifying itself.
  7. Yep, that’s correct. The offset is already programmed in the repeater channels. All you have to do is input the TX tone. I wouldn’t put a RX one in yet. Once you confirm. Then you can add RX. I never use RX tones. Well, I haven’t had to yet at least. Also, if you’re inside your house. Try it outside too. Just to see. Luckily I can hit most of mine in the area from inside my place. Even standing next to windows works wonders. No problem at all. Glad to help.
  8. Yep. Just set the radio so it displays the frequency and then go to the repeater channel of the desired frequency and then set the input tone. Confirm by pressing PTT and stand by for repeater acknowledgment via CW. Then you know you programmed it right. Then call out and see if someone replies. Yeah the manual doesn’t explain it. Only the menu functions.
  9. You should be able to get that set up without the software. All on the front panel. I programmed mine by hand when I first got it. Before I ordered the cable.
  10. Oh ok cool. Yeah, you should be ok. So I have to ask, I’ve asked Rich this too and he hasn’t replied yet. The buttons. What do you think of the buttons? I wish they were better.
  11. Oh good! Ok. Yeah, from my experience that cable is effortless. I expect it will be for you as well. What OS are you running?
  12. Oh!! Yeah, I saw those cases. I may try that one as well. Yeah, mine is: https://www.buytwowayradios.com/wouxun-wlc-kg-uvd1p.html Yes, that cable in the link works flawlessly with my 805. I read a while back that you want to avoid cables that include a CD. Since genuine Prolific and FTDI cables will poll the computer for a universally provided driver (updated) from Windows and install it automatically. So far I’ve seen evidence of that.
  13. Yep, I got my extended battery today and I’m glad it fits on the radio while charging. I figured it would because of the size of the chargers opening/slot. They case fits too. But it’s right!! Hoping that leather stretches a little bit. As far as the cable goes. I’m not sure. Which one did you buy? From BTWR? I bought mine from this guy: https://www.ebay.com/itm/USB-Programming-Cable-Baofeng-TYT-Wouxun-Chinese-HT-All-Window-versions-PC03p/153080854606?pageci=ac220fbc-d53f-4647-9549-9ae5f6dabe36&epid=17034686501 Good stuff. Didn’t have to instal anything. It was literally plug-n-play. Genuine Prolific chipset. Windows automatically installs in seconds. Maybe your cable is bad?
  14. Buy Two-Way Radios went and confirmed that the extended battery on the radio WILL fit the case. They tried it themselves. So that’s good!
  15. Nice! I just ordered one myself along with the extended battery. I wonder if that case will fit with the extended battery on?? Also, the extended battery has to be removed from the radio for charging from what I’ve read.
  16. Rich, what do you think of the buttons? The material and the feedback? Just curious if I’m the only one that doesn’t like them.
  17. Nice! I think you will like the 805. I was going to try a case for it. Did you get the case that buytwowayradios.com offers? Let us know how it works for you at your locations and how your repeater access is.
  18. The Kenwood is a great radio. But you’d be dealing with used and no warranty. Sometimes that can be a can of worms. Depending on how the unit was treated and what it was exposed too. I treat my equipment very well, some people throw their radios around. It’s super easy to program via cable. Even programming on the front panel is pretty easy. The only thing I could not do on the front panel was omit channels and add/delete scan channels. The buttons on the Kenwood would be better for sure. If you don’t need front panel programming and prefer everything via software. You could opt for the “basic” version of the 805 to save a few bucks.
  19. Not too much to update other than it’s still working great. I’ve been in contact with Wouxun regarding the fact that the backlighting does not time out while scanning. So you have to disable it if you want to scan. That kind of sucks. Considering the GMRS-v1 would time out. A couple of little cosmetic things like some particles underneath the screen lens; I can’t seem to blow them out. The PTT and all other buttons suck. The material is not great. Like a hard plastic with little tactical feedback. I know I’m nitpicking a little. But for the price I’d like something a little more refined as far as firmware and form. However, the RF performance blows anything in its price range out of the water. At least for a Part 95 radio. The superheterodyne receiver has excellent sensitivity and I tested it a couple of days ago on the go and I have got nothing but excellent feedback on my audio through repeaters. Some thought I was on a mobile. Excellent quieting free of static. I also tried with a buddy 8 miles away, yes 8 over simplex. Clear as can be. Now, I had some elevation over him; but still. I’ve only been able to do that with my old Icom 4021 HT. So, the performance of this unit makes you deal with the shortcomings of the radios form. I told Buy Two Way Radios if only the buttons were rubbery and had a tactical click to it and a little more customization with the firmware it would be a damn near perfect low cost Part 95 radio. It’s based off the KG-703E radio and it’s a single band radio. So you have the advantage of tighter filters and a more “tuned” experience than a dual band radio. That’s just my option though. It would be worth checking out if I were you. Danny is the man at BTWR too and he is willing to answer any questions you may have about the specifics of the unit. They provide great support. Yes. When BTech first tried to certify for Part 95 they left the power setting at 5w per the UV-82 spec. They later were required to resubmit at 2 watts to stay in compliance. The KG-805G is a true 4 watt UHF radio with clean output. It’s Part 95 certification is based on the KG-703E since that is essentially what the 805 is with a modified firmware.
  20. Unit has SOLD. Moderators please mark accordingly.
  21. Downs, you got it. Just sent you a Message with my email. Thanks! I will get it shipped out tomorrow!
  22. Please see attached
  23. Only about a month old. Like new. Works great. Will ship for $5. Radio: $20 $25 total shipped.
  24. I just received mine and have had it a couple of days. Have compared it to the BTech GMRS-v1. This radio blows it away. RF performance is amazing and I can hit all of my local repeaters from inside my house. One of them almost 30 miles away. The circuitry is way superior to the radio on a chip unit. Wish the buttons were rubber instead of hard plastic. Screen viewing angle isn’t that great either. But the little cosmetic flaws aside it’s RF performance justifies the cost completely.
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