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password last won the day on October 23 2019

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  1. The antenna is a DB-408 (factory set for GMRS), with about 80FT of LDF-50 coax on it
  2. The repeater is reachable in all most all locations, but not on handhelds, and if it is it’s vary unreliable. The desence is higher then I’d like when the repeater is in TX but it’s not really that bad at all compared to simplex. I’ve got a Sinclair q3220e and another can in the RX I can’t remember. But it’s not really about extending range just solidifying the coverage I have.
  3. My current repeater is actually two Kenwood TK-800s I fallowed this for the RX radio and poped our an RJ-45 out the back of the radio. http://n0keg.com/index.php/2017/10/02/kenwood-tk-880-as-a-receiving-radio-for-a-repeater/ The controller is just a Raspberry PI running open repeater, I forget what kind of pi I used as I had it laying around. The TX radio is completely Unmodified, and has ran solid for over two years Here’s some old pictures of it getting built and where it is now, the duplex is also different now then in the pictures https://imgur.com/a/qo1c28w
  4. It’s definitely a different idea, but this repeater was a crazy idea I had one day and now it’s fairly solid, my concern is that I can’t use the repeater input frequency’s as they are just to close for isolation, so I’d have to have an input on 462.550 for instance not 467.550 as that’s just to close to my link frequency back into the main repeater. There will obviously be a pl on this but it still could technically allow an unlicensed user into the system without them technically doing anything illegal. It seems unlikely it would happen but I’m unsure how the fcc looks at this as I’m “allowing” it to happen by using a frequency that’s not exclusive to licensed users but I did protect unlicensed used the best possible way I could.
  5. Yes basically a voting system but not voting, each of the yellow marked ones would have a different input, likely determined by PL tones so no two are ever transmitting at once, and there’s no audio to vote with. I get how a normal mesh works, but I’m looking for a more simple system. The yellow ones would not output anything but a link and the main repeater would be the only output My question is on linking frequency’s, after much looking I’m assuming the FCC considers them as fixed usage and it is alloud
  6. I dont fell ive properly explaned how this system is designed out. Here is an image with a bit of an explination, The red line is the repeaters main heatrable range on handhelds, you can get back to the repeatetr and its useable in the green zone. This is a normal 462/467 repeater Inside the yellow zones you would turn to an extended zone, this would be like 462.550 and would just pick up your signal and output it onto the 467.700, so you would be useing a 462.550/462.700 split on your actual handheld. This should work out with what ive played with, its just a question of legality at this point.
  7. That’s what I’m trying to figure out, I would be using a proper pair on the main repeater but when useing one of the AUX repeaters i would be useing an extra frequency
  8. The problem with building to is location, I got lucky on my first tower location but it’s unlikely I could get another good location. I can set up these simple repeaters at houses how ever, hence why I liked that idea. I could also link repeaters but I’m yet to see a fairly good way, and I’d need Internet at the tower site. I’m mainly looking for any input on I’d such a system I’m thinking of would be legal or not
  9. I had considered useing internet basced repeating, but i cant find any good fit for gmrs, What did you use? I also do not have internet at the repeater site, but I could devise a way to get it there. I am conserned about bubble back users but using non-standered tones, I cant see how anyone would ever "find" this for use with bubble pack radios. This is more of an idea for me, I've got countless moble kenwoods on the shelf and could rig up one of these fairly quickly. My main consern is is it legal to use not repeater input frequnacys as repeater inputs?
  10. This is just an idea I've had and would like some input in it, mainly concerning legality not practicality. I currently have a repeater on .700 and it got fairly good coverage, about 8 miles on a hand held (130ft db408 with flat land) . I can hear it close to 15 miles out but cant get back into it. It’s also only 7W so I can turn it up a good amount, just haven’t as there’s no point to it. My idea is to have a "repeater" that links into the main repeater for improved handheld coverage, it would be on a simplex pair and repeat onto the repeaters main input channel. This should allow me to hear the repeater directly then use one of the linking repeaters to get into it. The gmrs repeater input channels are just to close in frequency for me to practically use those as a rx and tx in one repeater, as they would only be 0.5~ MHz apart using repeater input frequency’s. The aux repeaters would have PL tones to avoid bubble pack users form getting into the system. The aux repeaters would have an input of 462.500 and output of 467.700 and just extend the main repeaters reception, The output would be yagi back to the main repeater and its 462.500 would be an antenna like a db-404, this would allow hand held coverage in areas you cant currently get into the repeater at. My question is, is such a system legal, or is there something preventing this from being legally doable.
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